Friday, April 4, 2008

One Month Old Today

Hard to believe a whole month has gone by already. Time is just flying. In a month we have been taught so many new life lessons, just to name a few.

  • A crock pot/slow cooker is the best way to cook a meal (thanks Mom) when you have time in the morning during a nap but you know there will be no time close to dinner time
  • Baby vomit can make a lot of laundry - three outfits in one day for Mom and Lucas
  • Sleep is highly over rated
  • Lack of sleep can make me cry at small silly things
  • Peter is better at burping than me
  • Lucas can poo a lot over 300 diapers in one month
  • Diaper/Nappy rash is red and really hurts a little guys bum
  • Not all diaper rash creams work on all babies
  • Hiccups can be cured with something called gripe water
  • Cold dinners aren't really that bad
  • TV at 3 in the morning really isn't worth watching
  • A clean diaper is fun to poo in
  • Leaving the house requires meticulous planning and taking with you almost everything your child owns
  • Babies are loud sleepers
  • Little boys willys need to be pointing down or they pee right out of the diaper
  • The mall is the safest place to go for an outing
  • Going out with friends means all driving seperate so if your kid all of a sudden decides that you should not be out you dont have to ruin everyone elses plans for the day as well as your own
  • Swaddling can get you a couple more minutes (sometimes hours) of sleep
  • Babies don't like to be cold
  • Maternity pants aren't just for women who are still pregnant
  • You can type really fast with one hand
  • You can train yourself to use the mouse with your left hand
  • Babies see in black and white for the first little while
  • Getting one load of laundry done in a day or loading the dishwasher or sweeping the floor is a huge accomplishment (note only one thing per day is permitted at this stage - Lucas frowns on productivity)
  • Washing something red with a load of whites still makes everything pink
  • A sleeping baby is a beautiful sight

I am sure there are more things but this is a short list of all the changes that have been happening in our lives so far. People always say when you have a child life changes - that is definelty an understatment. I now look forward to Peter being home so that we can go for a family walk around the block - no tramping or weekends away yet (although there may be a weekend in April - fingers crossed)

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