Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rain, Rain and More Rain!!!

We are experiencing rain and gale force winds here in Auckland - great time to be visiting, bad luck I would say!!!

We are getting through it though, lots of jobs are getting accomplished. Peter has put my Dad to work, fixing gutters and down spouts and planting trees. Lots of work to be done and there are more plans in the works. My Dad is probably not going to visit again knowing how much work we put him to when he is here. It has been great though, helps Peter to have someone around who knows what he is doing and Peter likes working with someone.
Peter and Papa babysat Lucas tonight and My Mom and I got to take a some time to see Mamma Mia. It was great, a nice break and good to spend some time out like an adult after dark. A life I barely remember anymore.
My Mom and I have bought some materials to crochet a blanket - my first attempt so we will see how it goes.
Lucas is doing pretty good. Today was a tough day he didn't want to sleep today which makes him a bit grumpy so lots of crying but I hope it was just a one day thing and tomorrow will be a better day.
He has been eating carrots the last couple of days but I didnt do a very good job pureeing them so they were a bit to chunky. he is doing ok with them but I think I will give them a break for a little while until he is able to eat a bit better.
Lucky Lucas got his very own tent the other day - Can't wait for him to use it. We are also anxiously awaiting the arrive of the exersaucer that Nana and Papa bought for him.
Look at my new jammies, thanks Uncle Colin, Aunt Amy - Tyson, Dawson and Hayden!! Tyson you did a great job picking them out, they made Lucas sleep ALL night through.
My skinny new Mom!!! She has been to the gym twice since they have been here - a new Mom it is great!!! Looking good

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Break in the Rain


Today turned out to be a nice day for most of the day. The rain held off for most of the day and we were able to get out for a bit of a walk, it was quite windy though. We took a treck up Mount Wellington which isn't too far from our house so made for a quick car ride which makes Lucas happy - not too much crying.

Lucas is getting more used to his Nana and Papa and giving lots of smiles and giggles

He has started playing with the bigger blue ball. Peter makes him think he is kicking it and it makes him smile. Soccer player??

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Nana and Papa Arrive Safely

After a long flight my parents made it here with no problems. They were a little tired but managed to stay awake until 8pm which helped them to get on track for the time change. The weather was beautiful, sunny skies and about 15 degrees. We took a walk along the water front and my dad got the flat white that he has been dreaming about since he was here last time.
Lucas was spoilt with all the gifts from home, again. He loves his new toys and has enough clothes to last him until he is about 2 years old now!! Thanks so much!!!
Day 2 was probably the worst weather we have seen here in NZ. Lots of wind and rain. Tamaki drive was closed and water was coming over the sea wall the waves were so high, that is pretty windy considering auckland lies in a straight - can't imagine what it would have been like on the open sea. So unfortunately we were stuck inside. Lucas was grumpy and My dad even played a board game or should I say "bored" game - my dad hates games!!!

Today it is raining again so we will probably take a quick trip to the mall and get some things done. Peter is anxious for the rain to stop so he can put Papa to work around the house - lots to be done around here

Lucas played a little strange the first day but seems to be alright now, last night he slept really well 9:30 - 6:30 Can't complain about that.

We figure he must be teething - he has all the signs

- red cheeks

- drooling excessively

- chewing on everything - mostly his fingers

- diaper rash

- runny nose

- grumpy

But no teeth yet

Peter is already taking advantage of not having a job and has made it to the gym this morning - Luke would be proud.

The cameras have not stopped flashing since the parentals arrived and the little man is feeling more like a celebrity every day.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Shots Make Me Grumpy

Caught taking a break

Lucas was not so good today. He had a bit of a temperature and was very grumpy. He slept great last night until 6 this morning and ate with no problem this morning had a good nap but then when we got out to our plunket course he took a turn for the worse and just kept crying. I left early and came home. Took his temperature and found out what was wrong - not too high but still high enough to make him grumpy. Gave him some medicine and hopefully that fixes the problem. He is actually sleeping now so that is at least a step in the right direction.

Tomorrow morning Nana and Papa get here - right now they must be over the pacific somewhere. Peter is picking them up from the airport at 6:30am. Everyone that comes into Auckland from home always comes in at some crazy early hour - usually it is 5:30 so we at least lucked out this time with an extra hour sleep. I say we but I really mean Peter because I am not going to the airport. Lucas and I will meet them when they get here.

Peter has his last day at work (again) tomorrow, not sure if that makes him happy or not - Will see how things go.

He likes his hempie (undershirt for those of us who are not dutch). If you look carefully enough you can see his hair sticking up and fuzzy- it is growing!!!

Practising sitting again

It is getting easier to take photos of him now - he knows his name when you call him and he loves to look at the camera - really he wants to get it and put it in his mouth, he even drools when I bring it out sometimes

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hard to Believe

The room was still dark. All of a sudden I heard a noise - I reach over as I often do to hit snooze. The alarm does not turn off. I come to and realize that it isn't the alarm at all but the monitor and Lucas is sqwaking away. I give a big sigh (as I always do - woe is me!) and look at the clock to see how long the little monster has slept this time.

"Peter guess what time it is!" Yeah we were in shock it was 6am and we hadn't heard a peep from Lucas since we put him to bed at 6pm last night!! Hard to believe but our strategies have been working.

So from now on bed at 6pm, dream feed at 10pm and awake at 6am - that I can handle.

I could be jumping the gun here but hopefully this is not just a one time thing.

Since he had so much sleep last night Lucas has been in a great mood today. We went to get his shots and he was so good as we waited for the nurse to call us in. He just chatted away to the other people in the waiting room - blew some bubbles and played with his new hippo from Grandma and Opa.

When we came home he called Nana and Papa to wish them a good trip. He didn't feel like talking to Papa but yelled a few things to Nana - I think he was saying have a good trip and I look forward to meeting you on Friday.

For some reason Lucas has taking to randomly yelling at things (it must be the dutch in him) He especially likes to yell at the clock in his room. I think it might have something to do with the fact that when Peter settles him at night he takes him over to the clock and tells him what time it is and then lets him know it is not time to get up yet. Lucas has a few choice words for the clock when he is awake.

"come on mom hurry it up I am hungry"

"Yummy this is so good, give it a try Dad"

"Agh... I ate too much!"

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Much Better Night

Lucas did much better last night. He still woke up 4 times but 2 out of the 4 he put himself back to sleep.

We went out for dinner at friends and Lucas was a little angel, he slept the entire time. Only waking up when we were getting ready to leave, good little boy.

Tonight I am trying the dream feed again - we will see if it works again or if it was a one time lucky thing.

We did some reading about the 4th month of a babies life. Apparently they are learning so much at this stage that often they have a hard time sleeping, some things we have read say it is amazing that they sleep at all during this stage. That makes me feel better.

He has been learning a few things lately

- today he rolled over from his back to his front, played for a little while and then rolled himself back over to his back

- He can hold onto his feet now, and actually helped me change a poopy diaper today by holding up his legs for me - such a couteous little guy

- He is working on sitting up still

- He is starting to make different sounds, like he is actually trying to communicate, sometimes he seems to get frustrated and just yells

- He reaches out for EVERYTHING

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tired and more Tired

So the dream feed was not the secret weapon I was hoping for, last night was better but not perfect yet. We are going to keep trying for the next couple of nights though to see if it eventually helps.

Last nights festivities....

5 pm Feed, bath, massage, story time

6 pm sleeping

10 pm dream feed

2:30 am woke up Peter tried to settle him twice

2:30 am Still awake so I Fed him

4 am Peter settled him

5 am Peter settled him

6:30 am up for the day

I was really surprised at the dream feed, I picked him up and he barely opened his eyes, I fed him on one side and then when I picked him up to move him to the next he gave a little cry, burped and then closed his eyes again and fed the other side. I put him back into bed and he moved into the exact same position he was in before I had picked him up. I wonder if he thinks it was all a dream or if he knows it really happened! We will never know.

This morning Lucas had rice cereal for the first time, he liked it better than the pumpkin I think. he kept opening his mouth for more. That is a good thing.

Looks a bit sleepy for his cereal this morning, I wonder why!

I'm not too sure about this

That was yummy, can I have more!!

Thought we might try a meal in the late afternoon so that he gets a little more full before bedtime but I am not sure yet. Also considering changing one of the night time feeds to formula, the only thing with that is it requires more work when I get up to get the bottle ready. Sometimes he wont take the bottle either, he gets all worked up and I really dont want him more worked up in the middle of the night than he already is. We will give the dream feed a couple of days to work its magic first.

Thanks for all the new toys Grandma and Opa!

I know I can get this in my mouth some how!!

Trying Something New

We haven't had to introduce a "dream feed" since Lucas sort of fell into sleeping from 6pm until about 4 am and then again until 7am. Well the good ole days have been over for the past 5 weeks his night time sleeping has gotten progressively worse - yeah I know as they get older things are supposed to get better not worse. The last 3 nights have been particularly bad. let me paint a picture

6 pm sleeping
11 pm awake crying for no real reason - try to settle him, wont settle
12 am feed him and he falls asleep
2 am awake again looking for something - no one knows what Peter settles him
2:20 am let him cry and settle himself
3 am awake again Peter has to settle him takes about 3o min or maybe an hour
4 am or 5 am awake again looking for something again - Peter in to settle him again finally asleep
6 am up for the day

So we have gotten a lot worse, not better. We have tried to have me settle him but that doesnt work at all, last night he actually started to hit and kick me so I caved and fed him - couldn't handle angry Lucas

So here is the game plan

6 pm bed
10 pm I go in and dream feed him - that basically means I feed him while he is asleep and try really hard not to wake him up, put him back to bed still asleep (fingers crossed)
6 am wake up ready for the day

This is the plan, and this is the result we are looking for! From what I have read it should work, it may take a couple of nights to get things sorted but hopefully it makes things better around here.

As Patto will tell you I am grumpy when I dont get my sleep so we need to take some steps to get things under control.

He is still a cute little guy

Elissa and Sean are back from Canada. Elissa had some time with Lucas tonight, lots of smiles and giggles shared between them, we even listened to the CD you sent already Emily (all good stuff), unfortunately Lucas was already in bed when Sean got here, hopefully next time they can play together.

Lots of gifts came back from Canada for Lucas - So generous a lot of people really like the little guy back there.

I am writing the blog and the camera is in Lucas' room so I will load up more pictures tomorrow - sorry just news today no new photos but dont worry I have more photos - a day doesnt go by that I dont take at least one

Friday, July 18, 2008

I Love My Daddy

There are so many reasons I love my Daddy...

- He helps me to have a bath or shower every day

- Even when I have a big poo he is happy to change my diaper

- He makes sure my muscles aren't too tight by giving me a massage before bed

- He reads a story to me every night

- He lets me turn the pages in the books - mommy doesn't let me touch the books.

- We don't have to clean up the mess when we play

- He lets me wrestle with his face, even when I have long finger nails

- He listens to my stories and lets me blow spit all over his face

- He is helping me learn how to walk, even though I don't know how to stand yet

- Sometimes he gives me so many hugs that I have to cry to let him know that I have had enough

- He LOVESto take pictures of me

- He listens to my stories when I call him at work, even if I am whining

- When I don't want to sleep he carries me around

- I get lots and lots of kisses, even when I am drooling - mommy wont kiss my drooly face, she has to clean it first

- I like when Daddy takes me exploreing outside, I get to touch all kinds of different things

- We get to go really fast when Daddy takes me for a run, it is great the buggy bumps around and sometimes it makes me fall asleep

- We practise swimming in the bath, soon daddy says I will be able to go swimming in a real pool

- In the middle of the night he comes in when I am sad just for a visit.

- He also always helps my Mommy out which makes Mommy happy and having a happy Mommy makes me happy as well

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sleep! What is that?

Peter getting food ready for Lucas, it may be the first time Peter has cut up a pumpkin that wasn't going to be made into a jack-o-lantern

Last two nights Lucas has been so unsettled, up every hour or so just to cry and scream. I think he might be teething. I dont know though because he seems to be alright during the day. Maybe he is just adjusting to the food.

Good news is he has been pooing every other day for the last little while - not good for cleaning diapers but good so I don't have to worry any more.

Today during tummy time he started brining his knees up underneath himself (of couse when I got the camera he didn't do it anymore)! UH OH, maybe he is going to start moving soon - I hope not, a little longer stationary will be much better for me.

My parents (Nana and Papa) are coming to visit next friday, We are busy making plans. Looking forward to some time together and having more people around during the day. Starts to get a bit lonely some days.
Hanging out with Teddy - Desmond
Practising sitting up still - likes to sit on the couch not a big fan of sitting on the floor
"Mom stop taking pictures of me with no clothes on!"

Monday, July 14, 2008


Today was the day.

Pumpkin was the first solid (if you can called pureed food solid) food Lucas ate. He seemed to like it, ate the whole bit and didn't spit it back out or make a funny face. I am thinking tomorrow might be a better test if he likes it or not being the second time at it.

It hasn't changed anything today though still doing the same things, so that is good - no adverse reaction so far.

Last night I boiled the pumpkin, put it in the blender and froze it in ice cube trays. I think tonight I am going to make some carrot puree and maybe we can try that next week. Give him a week to get used to pumpkin and I have a lot of it a pumpkin goes a long way when you only eat an ice cube size amount each time.

For some reason I am not able to get photos to load up to the blog today so I have added them to my facebook if you would like to see Lucas at his first meal.

A good listen

Not the best video to watch but pretty funny to listen too!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Things Are Getting More Complicated

Went to visit the plunket nurse today and she says we should be starting solids. I have thought he has been showing some of the signs but was not sure if I wanted to start yet as he is only 4 months but apparently he is ready for food. Must take after his Dad.

I was going to start him on rice cereal and I had all of that ready to go but because he has a pooing issue the nurse has suggested starting vegetables and fruit first - of course they take more work to prepare. So Peter is out buying a pumpkin/squash and I will get it boiled up tonight and hopefully tomorrow morning Lucas will have his first breakfast - yummy pumpkin for breakfast!!!
She would also like to see him gain a little more weight so at two feeds a day he will get is regular breast feed but also a bottle of formula after. Apparently babies are supposed to double their birth weight by 3 months and Lucas is 4 months and hasn't doubled his weight yet. I think he just wants to be like his Mom. He is now 60 cm long and 5.66 kilos.

Our coffee group had a get together on saturday and we had photos taken of all the babies and some family photos as well - Lucas does not like family photos.

Peter and Lucas spent some quality time talking to all the other Dads and babies and it was caught on camera!

Lucas signing happy birthday to Nana and Opa!

For the last little while Lucas has been blowing rasberries (spit bubbles) while the last couple of days he has decided that is the only way to communicate and he does it all the time, crying, smiling, giggling or talking all include spit bubbles - I wonder if he will take after his cousin Madisyn and soak his shirts with his drool!