Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another Day Without POO!!

Day 15 today and No POO!!!

I called the plunket nurse (like public health at home I guess) and they said if he doesn't poo tonight that he needs to see a doctor now because it has gone too long.

I don't really think it is bothering him, I think he must be growing like crazy because he is eating a lot and today when he was feeding I swear I heard his tummy grumble - unless it was more gas.

We are trying to give Lucas one bottle of formula a day just because he is eating so much and this way he could get more food without starting solids yet, as I think he is still a little young, although if he keeps getting up 3 times in the night we might start solids earlier than planned. I say trying as he doesn't always want to eat it and cries and cries. Peter has been patient with him but Lucas often just refuses and in the end I am a softy and I feed him normally. Maybe next week I will be more strict either formula or nothing at that feed - we will see.

I am reading up on starting solids and plan to buy some stuff this week for the first meal. Could be a disaster but I am looking forward to it.

Crappy weather again today but there was a sunny break and Peter took Lucas out for a run - can't go too long though because Lucas gets to a point where he doesn't want to be in the buggy any more and no matter what you do he will scream until you take him out. It's good if you wanted an early finish to your run.

Now we will always know which room Lucas is in. Not that we would forget

Went out for Coffee with Sandra today - she is starting to look very pregnant. I am excited for the little Sprague baby. Lucas will have to show him the ropes.

Peter is out in the garage cleaning the cars, he just came in and told me I am welcome to join him. I guess that means I need to go and start doing some work around the house - no rest for the wicked!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

It's Good To Be Back

Our computer is not working anymore so I have not been able to update the blog for some time, I have been going through withdrawal. Peter has let me use his laptop and oh my goodness is it ever much faster than ours (when it is working).

Things have been going well, Lucas has taken a step backwards in the sleeping. I think he might be going through a growth spurt - up 2 or 3 times at night now instead of the once!!! Hopefully it will change in the next little while.

Lets talk POO!! Lucas has not had a poo for 14 days now - CRAZY!!! Apparently it is nothing to worry about, he can use almost 100% of what he takes in. He does have some stinky farts though so hopefully soon he will relieve himself and I hope I am home when he does as I figure it will be a doozy!!!

He has been practising sitting up and he loves to feel his feet - maybe he will walk before he sits, probably not. He is enjoying tummy time and has started to push up on his arms and he can spend quite a bit more time on his tummy without getting upset.

He started blowing zurburts (Spelling??) Today, it is pretty funny he takes a big deep breath and then puts his lips together and blows spit all over his face, big smiles after.

We took a trip up north (only 1 1/2 hours away) and Lucas cried almost the entire way there, we had to stop to feed him - crazy. It was probably because we left after work which is fussy time for him and he showed us that all the way there. We had a good weekend though, he wasn't too bad even though he was not in his own environment. Maybe that is why our sleep routine is a little out of wack now.

Lucas is having a nap at coffee group - what a cutie! Ok so the nap didn't last very long!

Lucas lazing around with some of his friends, he kept trying to hold hands with Olivia beside him, maybe we have a romeo on our hands. He wont get any girls if he doesnt stop his stinky farts soon though!

We have been having some stormy weather and Lucas has taken to watching the trees outside blowing in the wind, maybe he misses going out for his walks, soon enough, hopefully the weather cooperates and we can get out for more walks.

What a cutie!

Some non-Lucas news. I figured since it was announced on facebook I could add it to the blog. Congratulations Elissa and Sean on the big engagement! We are so excited for them. They are back in Canada right now touring around and visiting. Peter and I are looking forward to hearing the decisions they are making! It sounds like the wedding might be at Christmas time, might mean a trip home for all the NZ Matters!!!

My eyes are burning! I have been online for so long, wow I didn't realize how much of a computer/internet geek I am!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just Pictures Today

Buzzy Bee, sleeper. Where's Daddy?

So many kisses all the time mom!

"I didn't do it!"

One tough day!

"But I am so cute how can it be tough when I am around?"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It Happened Again

Last night Lucas slept from 7pm to 5am and then went down again at 5:30 until 8:30. He is a super star!!!

He has been so much more expressive lately and his cries are starting to sound angry at times. Especially when I leave him to cry before he goes to sleep and he does not agree that he should be left there - poor kid. Last night Peter was changing him and Lucas wanted to play with big bug that hangs above the change table - it is too high for him to reach so he needs one of us to pull it down for him, well I guess Peter didn't move quick enough so Lucas grunted at him with his arms stretched out until he had Big Bug in his hands - cheeky little monster.

Lucas and I went for a walk this morning it was probably 8km and man did it make me tired. I have been dragging around ever since. You would think with the big sleep last night that I would be better off but not so. Lucas has also been fussy, except when we were out walking. Hope this isnt a sign of things to come, sleep through the night and be fussy all day again - oh well we will take it as it comes.

Computer is being so slow, only 2 pictures today!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Cup of Tea, Handful of NIBS and the BLOG

Big news this morning. Lucas was playing horsey on Dad's knee. Well he thought that was pretty funny. He let out 3 little giggles!!! He has been building up to a laugh for so long it was nice to finally hear it come out. I was happy that Peter was home for it since he hasn't had another giggle yet.

Every Day a new adventure!!

Lucas is still learning to hold on to his ball. He has a hard time deciding which one he likes better the green or the yellow so sometimes he just holds on to both of them.

Today he started being interested in the teething ring. He kept trying to get it to his mouth. It took him an awfully long time because it kept slipping out of his hand and would end up down over his wrist. A lot of patience and he finally got it to his mouth.

We have started heating a couple of rooms during the day - basically where Lucas is. So when we want to play in the Jolly Jumper he has to get dressed for winter. The last couple of times he has been in the Jolly Jumper he had a big poo. No such luck today buddy!

I am really loving this stage with Lucas he is so much fun. My days have changed a bit, I cram as much fun play time as Lucas can handle in hour blocks and then he is tired out enough for about an hour nap. Then I try to remember what I was doing before he woke up so I can get back to it and not leave things half done. This week we have taken it pretty easy, relaxed a bit and I have just been enjoying hanging out with Lucas. Next week I think I am starting another course - this one is all about how to start solids - sounds rivating!!! I also think we are going to start one morning a week at the library for a music and movement course - we will see if he enjoys that or not.

I am happy to announce that on Saturday I am finally getting my hair cut (as long as Lucas cooperates and can go for a walk with Peter). I think the last time I got it cut I was 5 months pregnant so it was a while ago. No colour this time I dont think Lucas can wait the 3 hours + it takes to get that done.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The house feels a little small

Coffee group was at my place this week. Wow does the house feel small with 10 women and 10 babies laying around. I had turned the heater on in the morning to take the chill out. Well the sun came out and the room was like a sauna so we had to open up the doors. Ah New Zealand and the lack of temperature control. It is fun to have all the babies around and they are all starting to get more interactive so it is neat to see them actually looking at each other.

I bought a sleeper for Lucas that is technically for Halloween but I thought it was so cute I couldn't resist and it is orange and we all know how Peter feels about Orange!!!

Some more tummy time fun laying on Mommy's legs and flying through the air.

Lucas has gotten so much better at sleeping that I am finding it hard to write the blog now because I don't have much to complain about (knock on wood). Here's hoping that it keeps up.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

So Much Is Happening

Somtimes he looks like such a little Man!

It really is true that they grow so fast. Lucas is doing so great, he is sleeping much better which means we have much better awake time together. I am enjoying him so much. We have been playing lots of little games and singing songs. He recently discovered himself in the mirror and likes to smile at the baby smiling back at him.

He often looks like he is waving at us as well, at least during the few times that he doesn't have his fingers stuffed into his mouth. He loves to chew on his fingers or suck on his wrist. He was doing a lot of talking the last couple of weeks but since he has found his fingers he has moved away from talking and opted for just chewing and sucking instead. The talking was so cute I look forwad to that stage coming back.

Peter is convinced we have an athlete on our hands - last night he started holding on to a little green basketball. We had lots of fun throwing it (by throwing really it was dropping) back and forth between Mom and Dad.

It is definetly winter here - at least some days. Lucas and I went for a walk so I bundled him all up in his cute little yellow fleece sleeper (thanks Nana and Papa) and put him into the sleeping bag in his mountain buggy and off we went. The wind was pretty strong and it was quite cold, although about 10 minutes later (in true Auckland style) the sun started shining really hard and it was so hot the poor little guy was sweating in his fleece. I am not sure how I would cope in Canada I think he probably is sweating most of the time, but they say one more layer than you would wear and I wear a lot of layers so Lucas has to wear more!

Sometimes he needs to be woken up for his last feed of the day. Aunt Elissa got the job done, with much resistance from Lucas. Aunt Elissa got to read him is story before bed as well. He looks so interested in "Goodnight Moon". Maybe we have an academic on our hands. It is so cute to see him sitting in his chair listening (at least that is what it looks like) to his Daddy read to him.

We don't get much opportunity to watch hockey here but they do show the stanley cup. So Peter took the afternoon off and we watched the last game - Lucas is ready and excited to go, except he ended up sleeping through the whole first period. Maybe not as big of a fan as Dad had hoped yet.

Tummy time is getting easier - Lucas likes to look at the T.V.

More exciting news in the Oakley family. I am an Aunt again. Cory and Lise had a baby girl on June 5th Arwen Ruth Oakley. She is a cutie, I am sure Madisyn is enjoying having a new little sister.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I Must Be Dreaming!

Yippee!!! Woowwho!!! Jump for joy!!! Right On!!!

Hard to believe it but the little Lucas Monster slept from 7:30 last night until 7:00 this morning!!!!!! People kept telling me the day would come but I was starting to believe they didn't know what they were talking about!!!

All that being said there is some explination why he did it but it doesn't stop the celebration. I'll let him explain it for you

"Yesterday I went for my 3 month shots. So I got dressed in my tough guy shirt (thanks Sean) so that I could be brave and not be too scared for the shots. Uncle Andy and Uncle Colin do you like my shirt?

Bug gave me a pep talk telling me that it wouldn't be too bad and that he would be here when I got back and I could tell him all about it.

Mom made me wear a sweater because it is a little chilly outside (thanks Matt and Lynda). Daddy says I looked like I was ready to go golfing.

That made me laugh

Off we went to the doctor, I cried all the way there - Mom just hasn't gotten the fact that I don't like being in my car seat, when we came back I was really hot and tired!! So off came the sweater but I am still a tough guy - only cried a little and then gave the nurse a cheeky little smile after she was finished.

The rest of the day I was very grumpy, didn't want to go to sleep only wanted to be held by Mom and was not in the mood to talk to anyone or play or do anything really. Mom gave me my medicine to make sure I didn't get a fever - it tastes really nice, I wish I could have more.

Just before bedtime Aunt Elissa came over to say goodnight, she gave me a little cuddle. I wasn't much into cuddling though I just wanted to eat.

Dad and I had a shower and then Dad gave me a massage - he does a really good job, he didn't even touch the spots the needle went into. Usually he does a lot of massaging there because he tells me my thighs are really important parts for hockey. He wants to make sure they don't get too tight so I can be my best when I start to skate.

Then it was off to bed - I did a little bit of talking while I laid in my bed, just to say goodnight to Mom and Dad and to let them know I wasn't going to get up until morning. Dad understood what I was saying and said that I was like a bear and would hibernate for the night. Mom didn't believe him and said that I was a Monster and would trick us (sometimes she calls me the Lucas Monster - it makes me smile).

Daddy was right, so this morning I gave him a big smile to say that we are on the same team - lets keep tricking Mom it would be fun.

More exciting things happened this morning. Just before I was going to go to bed for my morning nap the courier guy came with a present for me "MY NEW BUMBO!!!!" I was so excited I had one more smile and a quick picture in the bumbo before I went back to bed. I gave Mom a little smile and decided I didn't want to cry before going down for this nap I was too tired."

Thanks Lucas - you tell the story so well

What a great day - June 3rd and 4th will be etched in my memory forever!!! Poor little guy had to get his jabs, is it bad to wish he could get them more often - I am a terrible person but the sleeping is nice and if you have been reading my blog you will notice that I am obssessed with his sleeping. I am thankful that he hasn't gotten sick from them.

Today we are going to the movies. The first Wednesday of every month the theater does "mums and bubs" which is a time that Moms can go to the movies with their kids, there are places to change diapers and you don't have to be too worried if your child screams because there is more than just your tkid here - we will see how it goes. Today it's Indiana Jones, I can't wait should be a good time.