Monday, October 6, 2008

Falling Behind

We are still here and still doing good. Lucas is busy trying to chew his way through all of his toys. one of these days another tooth will pop through I am sure.

Today lots of screaming and chewing of course. I finally got him to sleep at 10, which is when we were supposed to go out. He had been up since 6 this morning. He had a dose of Bonjela (teething gel) and a dose of pamol (I think like childrens tylenol) and second feed. Finally calmed himself down enough to go to sleep. Poor little guy we even had real tears. He should be drugged up enough to sleep at least an hour, fingers crossed.

Not much development on the crawling front, still likes to sit in one place. He can roll over back and forth but doesnt always do it, he is also able to pull his legs up underneath his belly when on his tummy but most of the time I think that happens by accident so not sure he knows how to do that yet.

My parents have big news - they have bought a house ready to build on their property up north!! Looks awesome - will attach a link when the computer/internet is cooperating.

Sorry for some reason I have not been able to load up pictures today so I will have to catch up later.

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