We have been having some crazy weather done on this side of the world. We have had 3 crazy storms hit NZ. Trees have come down, slips all over the country and boats washed up on shore. So unfortunately it hasn't really been tourist weather. We are slowly coming out of the craziness though. Today the rain has held off and yesterday the sun even came out so hopefully we are on the other side of all the bad weather.
Lucas has been a little worse for wear and has had his first cold. Runny nose and generally grumpy all round. Today has been so much better, a few smiles and laughs.
Today Lucas had a babysitter for the first time - Nana and Papa stayed at home while Peter and I went to take a look at the photos we had taken of Lucas. He was really good, he was sleeping when we left, when he woke up my Mom gave him a bottle, which he took with no problem of course - he is such a hungry little guy. Then he played until we got home. Mom said he was looking around and knew that something was not quite right. Lots of smiles when we got home. We are hoping to actually go out for dinner while Nana and Papa are here. We will see if Lucas cooperates or not.
Elissa and Sean came over for dinner last night. lucas made sure to wake up to say hello. It was nice because Sean hasn't seen him since before he left for Canada. He says he has grown a lot I guess after a month kids do that.
Peter and my Dad have been busy fixing up the house - lots of stuff to be done around here. It will be nice to have all the things fixed up and back in working order -
the latest project was to put up plastic sheeting to cover our back porch to give us a little bit of shelter outside from the rain.
Nana thinks it is very cold here. She even bought Lucas a fleece vest not to wear outside but for in the house!
He is getting more used to his exersaucer and actually it able to play for a little while on his own.
Of course it is farm themed - seems to be what we always choose, maybe we are secretly hoping he will be a farmer one day, either that or it easy for me to make the animal noises and keep him entertained.
We have had some disasters while the folks have been here. Back home the house is leaking and Mom and dad have had to have Cory go over to the house to make sure everything is ok, looks like most damage is going to be covered by insurance so that is good at least.
Here we have had had 2 floods from the washing machine - both operator error - once me and once peter - oops while the fridge and washing machine have now been pulled out twice to clean behind so maybe it is a good thing to have a water fall every so often in the laundry closet
Lucas has been eating apples this week - he loves them, he actually ate his whole breakfast this morning. I couldn't get it into his mouth fast enough, he was lunging forward at the spoon.
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