Another adventure in New Zealand. This time with Nana and Papa.

" Look my new room for the next couple of days - I think it is great!!"
"Daddy does a good job of carrying me on hikes - so good I fell asleep AGAIN! Daddy said this picture was taken at the bottom of a really big hill that was muddy and slippery and here the ground was so wet from all the rain we were having that Mommy complained about having wet feet. I didn't get my feet wet - sometimes I think she complains for no reason, don't tell her I said that though"
"We boarded the Ferry to Waiheke Island on Monday. I was so excited about my first boat ride that I didn't sleep too well the night before and I couldn't stay awake - I slept almost the whole way. I guess the rocking of the boat made me sleepy, maybe that is what Mom and Dad need to do to get me to sleep more, take more boat rides. I am not sure Mommy and Daddy think that is a good idea though because they both of us get sea sick.
" Look my new room for the next couple of days - I think it is great!!"
"I can look over the edge and see Nana reading and doing her puzzles, she doesn't even know I am watching her, very sneaky!"
"The second day we checked out the shops and had lunch in a cafe, I slept for a little while but then I needed to get up to see all the action, I heard Daddy was getting a brownie with his lunch and thought I might like to try it"
"Then we took a tour to some of the wineries, I didn't get anything to eat or drink there either - not fair. The sun was shining but it was a little windy"
"This winery, Mudbrick, I didn't get to see, Mommy made Daddy drive me around in the car, I hate it when she does that - she makes me fall asleep, I didn't get to try the wine or see the nice view from the top, Poor Daddy had to drive me around while I cried and cried until I finally gave up and slept for a little while."
"Mommy took a nice picture of the view so that I could see it after my nap. If you look really closely you can see the city in the back and rangitoto as well - what a beautiful country I live in"
The next day was another beautiful sunny day - windy again - so we decided to go on a hike. Started out through a farmers field, very muddy. I don't know what everyone was complaining about, I didn't get dirty at all."
"Daddy does a good job of carrying me on hikes - so good I fell asleep AGAIN! Daddy said this picture was taken at the bottom of a really big hill that was muddy and slippery and here the ground was so wet from all the rain we were having that Mommy complained about having wet feet. I didn't get my feet wet - sometimes I think she complains for no reason, don't tell her I said that though"
"Mommy is walking on the 'perilous bridge' No one knows why it is called that, doesn't look too dangerous to me"
"Daddy and I are leading the way - following the trail markers, good thing daddy isn't sleeping too or we would get lost"
"Back through the cow fields - sooooo muddy Nana had to lift up her pants"
"Back home for some lunch and a rest - Nana and I get to spend some time together, I think she likes me a lot"
"Later that day we went out AGAIN - I hate riding in cars, have I said that before. I keep telling Mommy and Daddy that but they keep straping me into the silly things - one day they will get the picture, I hope. This time we went for a walk to an old battery that was never used because no one ever invaded New Zealand. There were lots of rock that they aren't sure where they came from. It was thrown here by one of the volcanoes, Daddy said it looks like the rock they saw all the way up north. I wouldn't have wanted to be standing here when all this rock came flying out of the sky. If you look really carefully you can see some sheep hiding behind the rocks"
"Nana and Papa coming down from a big hill. There was a nice view from the top"
"I had such a long afternoon nap that we got to the battery too late and it was closed. Papa really wanted to see the gun turret so he climbed the hill to have a look. Daddy and I climbed up after him but Mommy and Nana decided to stay on the level ground - they had enough hill climbing for one day I guess."
"Mommy is short enough to work in the tunnels"
"I told you it was pretty late, it was dark on our drive back to the bach. This is the car that came with the bach that Mommy rented. It was a nice car Honda CRV Mommy thinks that her and Daddy should buy one."
"All right I have had enough pictures for one day - give me that camera!"
"Today is the day we go home! I get to sleep in my own bed and no more car driving!!!"
"It is such a happy day, one more diaper change and I am off home, can't wait to get back on that ferry again"
"This seahorse has been so helpful it calms me down when I am sad and I can give it cuddles when I am not able to cuddle Mommy in the car."
"Nana and Papa and I on the ferry. It took a long time to get this picture right. I got tired of smiling, Nana and Papa just couldn't get it right - they kept looking at me instead of the camera."
"Yummy My hand tastes so good lately, you should give it a try"
"What a great trip - two boat rides, two hikes, lots of wineries, so much beautiful scenery and good weather. Can't wait for our next adventure maybe Nana and Papa will want to go bungy jumping next"
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