Front Pack
Crying it out
Carrying around
Car ride
You name it we tried it today - all equalled no sleep for Lucas. Oh that isnt true he had an hour nap this morning from 8 - 9 after I pushed him around the neighbourhood for about 1/2 and hour. This after he woke up this morning at 5:30. The he had a 20 min nap while I walked around the waterfront for an hour. He is finally down in his bed and it it 3:45 I have my fingers crossed that he sleeps until Peter gets home but I doubt that will be the case. He has been lots of fun today but so overtired that I can't let him play by himself. Oh well lets hope tomorrow goes better.
He absolutely loves sitting up, maybe that is why he wont sleep wants to be sitting and playing. He really wants to go places reaching out and lunging at almost everything, although he is not able to support his weight on his arms so ends up on his knees and his forehead instead, I am sure he will learn soon enough, either that or we are going to have the weirdest kid on the block who just pushes his head around the carpet.
We have tried Kumara (sweet potatoe) the last two days and he definetly doesnt like it, almost didnt eat any of it this morning. I am not sure if that is the sleeping problem or not. Anyway we are going to give it a pass for a little while, I will try it again later. So last night Peter and I got a butternut pumpkin/squash ready to go. We spent the better part of an hour cutting the thing up. Man they are hard. It cost $2 to buy the pumpkin and I think I have enough ice cubes to last until Lucas can go in the freezer and get it out himself. So much better value than buying the jarred baby food. Although I think I might buy some of the jars so that I can reuse them for when I need to start taking a lunch with me places. Just can't decide what kind of food to buy - maybe some meat would be best as I am not sure that pureeing meat is going to be one of my strong points. Speaking of lunch I havent added it to his daily meals yet, maybe next week. It is such a big deal because I am not always home so I will have to have it ready all the time and really I am not sure that I am ready for that. I know I said I was going to start it this week last week but maybe I will start it next week and then next week I can say the same thing again. I think he is doing ok on 2 meals a day.
In all the books I have read they say that starting solids wont help them sleep through the night. I think that is bull. Since we have moved his dinner time to 5:30 at night he has slept through everynight. He gets up somewhere between 8 and 11pm, has a little feed and then sleeps until 6am (usually - sometimes 7 if we are really lucky and this morning as I said 5:30 when we are not so lucky). Decided to stop reading as the books just make you feel like you are doing things wrong and since we learned early on that Lucas doesnt follow the rules any way what is the point so I am reading for fun again. Reading a really good book right now, "A thousand splendid suns" by the same author of the kite runner it is hard to put down. Actually since I have had such a tough day today I am going to go and read it even though I "should" be folding laundry and other stuff I figure that can wait till tomorrow it really isnt urgent.
If I were to ever write a book on babies it would say "don't make any plans for when they are sleeping because the days you make plans are the days that they don't sleep and then all the plans you had don't get done and you get frustrated. So just do what you can when you can. Go with the flow, as they say." It might also say "try not to look in the mirror too much on the busy days because you are not going to like what you see looking back at you. Instead imagine what you look like that day and try really hard not to remember that you hadn't brushed your teeth or combed your hair when you run into someone you weren't expecting to see." I think it best that I don't write a book, I'll just stick to venting on the BLOG.
Thanks for listening to me vent. I feel better!
One piece of non-lucas news. I am officially a Matter, at least in New Zealand. I have changed all my I.D. Just working now on my Canadian Passport. It has only taken 4 years but hey some of us work a little slower than others.
Having cuddles with his seahorse - he loves this thing!
"Want to play ball?"
"Where's Lucas?"
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