Alright I have figured things out again. Lucas and I are back to normal. Only took a couple of days so at least I didn't have "baby brain" for too long.
Peter and I are busy looking at tickets for the trip home at Christmas time. Really looking forward to visiting everyone but not so looking forward to having Lucas on the plane for so long. Maybe he will surprise us and he will like the plane, who knows. It is still a couple of months away so he will be much more active by then and hopefully able to entertain himself a little more.
Today was a really good day. He was in such a good mood. Aunt Elissa came over to play and Lucas was really energetic while she was here - usually he is sleeping or grumpy so it was a nice change for her. 
Lucas has starting to talk again and blowing lots of bubbles - very entertaining. He has also picked up the habit of humming while he eats. My parents said Madisyn (My brother's daughter) does the same thing so I guess it runs in the family. He is also learning to kiss, he is really good at giving me kisses but struggles to kiss Daddy, he is getting there. I figure he knows that I am a softy and he is just wearing me down for whatever it is that he wants so he can get his way. He is doing really well at sitting up and loves to reach out for things, I dont think it will be much longer before he is on the move - I had better get busy on making the house baby proof. He loves his exersaucer, I think he likes being able to play by himself in there. He is a little to tall for the shortest height though but the next height up he can't touch the ground so sometimes he gets a little bit too rocky but he is learning.
He continues to like his food - even eating it off the bib it I let him
Started thinking about going back to work next year today - not sure what we will do but have to start looking at my options. Also need to decide where we are going to live so nothing is ever easy to decide around here. I think the trip home at Christmas time will really help to see where we want to settle for the next little while.
Peter did his hockey pool draft today - very serious stuff. Then he was really nice and looked after Lucas while I went out for lunch with Sandra and Elissa. It was good to catch up it feels like forever since we have been out. Sandra is getting big (she is pregnant). I am getting excited for there to be a new baby around. Lucas is going to have another friend, the rumour is he is going to be a big boy though - doctor says 10lbs - poor Sandra
Got to talk to Elissa today about the wedding, sounds like things are coming together. It is going to be really exciting to come home for the big day. We went the other day to look at bridesmaid dresses, it is always so much fun going to bridal shops so many pretty things to look at. She seems to have everything organized so not too much looking just getting measured and all that fun stuff, maybe some time at the gym before the wedding is in order for me, although I am not sure where I am going to fit it in and if the gym is what I want to do in my "time off". We will see what happens.
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