So much has been going on since I last wrote. Sorry I have been a little slack. But I have been enjoying time with my parents.
Yesterday Mom and Dad flew home, a sad day. We had some sun so we actually got to have a nice walk on the waterfront. We finished the trip the same way we started.
Last week we went to butterfly creek. It was pretty cool. Lucas really enjoyed himself. At the start of the butterfly place there were 2 fish tanks Lucas loved them. He was mesmorized by the fish and lots of humming. We got into the butterfly place, it was awesome 28 degrees I dont think I have been so warm since winter hit here. Lucas even got to take his socks off.
The butterflies were all over the place flying all around us. They were a little too fast for Lucas to see but he enjoyed looking at them.
Dad and Peter have finished most of the jobs on our list of things that need to be done around the house. They were quite productive even in the rain. Our deck is now Lucas friendly with a railing all around and gates at the steps so he cant fall down. Now all we need is some nice weather so Lucas and I can get out onto the deck.
My Mom and I got to have a nice day of shopping at the mall, although it has changed quite a bit with Lucas, can't just shop for the whole day I had to stop and feed him and then keep him entertained. He is getting much better at entertaining himself but still needs lots of attention.
Lucas is working on sitting up and is doing really well, he is actually putting his arm out now to stop himself from falling over, still can't leave him sitting on his own but he is getting there. Peter has been practising crawling with Lucas so he is now pulling his legs up under himself and pushing up on his arms. Soon enough he will be on the move. He really enjoys his exersaucer and is able to play on his own for a lot longer. He loves to play with his feet and is trying hard to get them into his mouth but he has a bit of trouble keeping them there.
Lucas is now eating two meals a day. He gets fruit in the morning and veggies at night. He loves his food, when he finishes the bowl of food he almost cries becasue he wants more. I think he takes after his dad. Next week I think we will start to have lunch as well.
I can't believe he is almost 6 months old - time is flying by.
Today is my first day alone for a month now, I really am going to have to get myself organized again, I only have 2 hands rather than 8! Will see how it goes - so far so good Lucas has gone down for a nap this morning and I have had a shower and breakfast - ready to face the day. I can't take all the credit Peter is always very helpful in the morning before work.
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