We are getting through it though, lots of jobs are getting accomplished. Peter has put my Dad to work, fixing gutters and down spouts and planting trees. Lots of work to be done and there are more plans in the works. My Dad is probably not going to visit again knowing how much work we put him to when he is here. It has been great though, helps Peter to have someone around who knows what he is doing and Peter likes working with someone.
Peter and Papa babysat Lucas tonight
and My Mom and I got to take a some time to see Mamma Mia. It was great, a nice break and good to spend some time out like an adult after dark. A life I barely remember anymore.
My Mom and I have bought some materials to crochet a blanket - my first attempt so we will see how it goes.
Lucas is doing pretty good. Today was a tough day he didn't want to sleep today which makes him a bit grumpy so lots of crying but I hope it was just a one day thing and tomorrow will be a better day.
He has been eating carrots the last couple of days but I didnt do a very good job pureeing them so they were a bit to chunky. he is doing ok with them but I think I will give them a break for a little while until he is able to eat a bit better.
Lucky Lucas got his very own tent the other day - Can't wait for him to use it.
We are also anxiously awaiting the arrive of the exersaucer that Nana and Papa bought for him.
Look at my new jammies, thanks Uncle Colin, Aunt Amy - Tyson, Dawson and Hayden!! Tyson you did a great job picking them out, they made Lucas sleep ALL night through.
My skinny new Mom!!! She has been to the gym twice since they have been here - a new Mom it is great!!! Looking good
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