Lucas was not so good today. He had a bit of a temperature and was very grumpy. He slept great last night until 6 this morning and ate with no problem this morning had a good nap but then when we got out to our plunket course he took a turn for the worse and just kept crying. I left early and came home. Took his temperature and found out what was wrong - not too high but still high enough to make him grumpy. Gave him some medicine and hopefully that fixes the problem. He is actually sleeping now so that is at least a step in the right direction.
Tomorrow morning Nana and Papa get here - right now they must be over the pacific somewhere. Peter is picking them up from the airport at 6:30am. Everyone that comes into Auckland from home always comes in at some crazy early hour - usually it is 5:30 so we at least lucked out this time with an extra hour sleep. I say we but I really mean Peter because I am not going to the airport. Lucas and I will meet them when they get here.
Peter has his last day at work (again) tomorrow, not sure if that makes him happy or not - Will see how things go.
He likes his hempie
(undershirt for those of us who are not dutch). If you look carefully enough you can see his hair sticking up and fuzzy- it is growing!!!
It is getting easier to take photos of him now - he knows his name when you call him and he loves to look at the camera - really he wants to get it and put it in his mouth, he even drools when I bring it out sometimes
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