Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tired and more Tired

So the dream feed was not the secret weapon I was hoping for, last night was better but not perfect yet. We are going to keep trying for the next couple of nights though to see if it eventually helps.

Last nights festivities....

5 pm Feed, bath, massage, story time

6 pm sleeping

10 pm dream feed

2:30 am woke up Peter tried to settle him twice

2:30 am Still awake so I Fed him

4 am Peter settled him

5 am Peter settled him

6:30 am up for the day

I was really surprised at the dream feed, I picked him up and he barely opened his eyes, I fed him on one side and then when I picked him up to move him to the next he gave a little cry, burped and then closed his eyes again and fed the other side. I put him back into bed and he moved into the exact same position he was in before I had picked him up. I wonder if he thinks it was all a dream or if he knows it really happened! We will never know.

This morning Lucas had rice cereal for the first time, he liked it better than the pumpkin I think. he kept opening his mouth for more. That is a good thing.

Looks a bit sleepy for his cereal this morning, I wonder why!

I'm not too sure about this

That was yummy, can I have more!!

Thought we might try a meal in the late afternoon so that he gets a little more full before bedtime but I am not sure yet. Also considering changing one of the night time feeds to formula, the only thing with that is it requires more work when I get up to get the bottle ready. Sometimes he wont take the bottle either, he gets all worked up and I really dont want him more worked up in the middle of the night than he already is. We will give the dream feed a couple of days to work its magic first.

Thanks for all the new toys Grandma and Opa!

I know I can get this in my mouth some how!!

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