Thursday, November 13, 2008

A New Adventure

Today (Friday November 14th) marks a new day in Lucas' life. He is learning to play on his own!!!!!!

Yes I have been one of those mothers that plays with my child, ALL day. At least as long as he is awake.

As of today I have decided that he needs to learn to play without me, really should have been self explanitory but I am learning as I go here.

I had a visit with the plunket (public health) nurse and asked her all kinds of questions i.e. "how long should Lucas be able to play on his own?"The answer 15minutes. Now that doesn't seem like a very long time. I was thinking while she was talking oh maybe I dont need to do anything I am sure he can play for 15 minutes this is going to be a piece of cake!


Lucas got a max 2 minutes on his own - can you say "momma's boy"

Apparently it can take 7 days to break the habit so for 7 days I will be grumpy because Lucas will be grumpy but it is for the greater good of all involved and for the cleanliness of my house.

I will keep you posted on how much progress we make.

So after I started this process and got all ready for lots of moaning we went away and Lucas was not happy so he had lots of time being carried around. Then Lucas got a fever when we came home, not sure why maybe teeth so lots of cuddles on that day and the next day Peter and I were both sick with food poisoning (we think) so today we will start the moaning again and see how we go. So far this morning Lucas played on his own for 4 minutes although he moaned almost the entire time.

He had to play on his own because I did a really stupid thing. I put liquid dish soap in the diswasher, not on purpose, and I had a mess of bubbles to clean up. Thankfully Lucas can't crawl yet so he wasnt all in the bubbles. Man it makes a lot of bubbles though!!! Filled the entire dishwasher - crazy!!

His new thing this week is waving - he loves waving hi and bye to everyone. Also started drumming on everything except he still isnt a big fan of noise so often makes himself blink or even cry if he hits stuff too hard.
Lucas gets the master bedroom at the trailor! Lucky little guy must be lonely at the top had to keep us up all night.

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