Tuesday, November 11, 2008

30 and Holding

Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes it is nice to be remembered.

It is my first birthday as a Mom and things sure have changed. Peter and I went out for breakfast this morning. Breakfast on my birthday, unheard of!!! I would usually think he was crazy the dialouge would go something like this....

Peter: Happy Birthday Sweetie!!! Let's go out for breakfast to celebrate, it will be nice to share time together in the morning. We never do that.

Shannon: grunt - are you crazy I am sleeping in it is my birthday.

Instead this is what happened:

Scene: 6:50 Peter and Shannon are sound asleep and a noise comes out through the monitor

Lucas: ya ya ya ya, uhhhhh, waaa, waaaa, silence................ WAAAAA

Peter: I'll get up and get him ready, happy birthday

Shannon: Thanks, I'll get his breakfast ready

Peter: What do you say we go out for breakfast for your birthday

Shannon: That sounds like a GREAT idea. It will be nice to share some time together in the morning and I am sure Lucas would love to have more food!!!

Anyway it was a great day! Lucas even gave me 2 kisses when I asked for them - he must know!!!

The pesto kid having a picnic in the living room. Had to have a bath after there was pesto everywhere!

Lucas painting the wall with his maraca (sp?)

Playing "5 little monkeys jumping on the bed" with Daddy!!!

Lucas tries to figure out where we are in the world

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always good when I can get non breakfast food that early as well! Looking forward to day three of the B-day celebration!