Wednesday, August 13, 2008

2 Nights in a Row

Hard to believe!!! Lucas slept through the night last night as well - cross my fingers this is becoming a routine, although I had better not get too used to it as that is when everything seems to change.

Lots of excitment in the house, Lucas is starting to pull his legs up underneath himself onto his knees and he is reaching out for things when he is sitting ending up on his tummy, looking like the crawling is going to start soon, better get going on making the house safe for him.

Speaking of making it safe, Peter and my Dad have been busy putting a railing up on the deck to make sure Lucas can't fall through. It is looking really good too. Dad also put another outside light on the house which doesn't really help Lucas but makes our house a little less appealling to breakins - not that it is all that appealling without the light.

Last night was better for eating but I thought I would include a picture of what Lucas did to his Dad the night before.

Last night Lucas had a babysitter for the first time. Peter and I went out on a date, we went out for dinner and then icecream, got home at the oh so late hour of almost 9pm!!! A couple of crazy kids we are. It was great Mom and Dad looked after Lucas. He was asleep when we left at about 6:30 but woke up around 7:30. My Mom fed him a bit of a bottle and then he sat up and watched a bit of the olympics and then went back to bed, what a good little man. It was nice to have a night out without Lucas, I didn't even call home when we were out. It was hard to do but I accomplished it. It was so much fun we need to do it again. Thinking we are going to get some kind of a babysitting share with the girls from coffee group - we will see how it goes.

Today Lucas gets weighed and measured, I am really looking forward to it I know he has put on a lot of weight - you could almost say he is chubby, that is if you look at him the right way
Kisses for Mom

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