Sunday, August 31, 2008

Changing Again

Things have been going pretty good the last couple of days, Lucas has decided it is ok to sleep ALL night. That being said he can't seem to sleep later than 5:30am but I can't really complain he is sleeping 11 or 12 hours a night which makes for a nice break for me. The last two days we have been having a hard time getting him to go to sleep in his bed during the day and have had to put him in the buggy and walk him, again. We seem to have figured out the problem, he used to get upset and cry when he was ready to go back to bed well he doesnt do that anymore, now he just sort of stares off and ignores everything else. If I dont get him to bed as soon as that happens he gets overtired and then screams his head off and I can't get him to go to sleep unless I take him walking. So I have got to start watching him a little closer.

He loves sitting up still and actually doesnt like to lie down anymore, tummy or back. Means he isnt developing the muscles in his upper body to help him to crawl, blah blah blah - I say he is happy that way so too bad if he ends up being a bum shuffler instead of a crawler than so be it. He definetly wants to go places though, he can't handle lots of toys around him right now because he cant choose what to play with and tries hard to lunge at things that are out of his reach.

The weather keeps getting better, a little cold this weekend but sun both days. The neighbours tree is starting to blossom which makes me feel happy to know that spring must be just around the corner, I know that doesn't make those reading my BLOG in Canada feel good but it is an exciting time down here - before you know it we will have the little guy on the beach!!

Next Sunday is Fathers Day here in New Zealand and I tried really hard to keep what I had planned a surprise but I just can't do it - I am not very good with surprises and secrets. So I told Peter the other day that on Saturday for Fathers Day Lucas and Peter are going to have a date at the pool. Lucas will be 6 months old on Sunday (hard to believe, I look at him sometimes and see a little boy more than a baby - scary) and Peter has been dying to get him into the pool since he has been born, so we are graduating from the bathtub to the pool - can't wait it is going to be an adventure that is for sure, hope he doesn't scream his head off.

Things are coming together for our trip home in December. We are planning a trip with Pat and Lori on the way. We hope to stop in L.A and then drive from there to Las Vegas and see the sites around there. Should be good and I am excited for lucas to take his first vacation. We are booking our flights home today (I think) and looks like from Auckland to L.A we will be on the flight with Elissa and Sean so that will be good, two more sets of hands for Lucas to be cuddled with and maybe Peter and I will be able to get some sleep, we will see.

Elissa seems to have most things sorted for the wedding and sounds like everything is coming together well. Sounds like it is going to be a beautiful day.

For all of you back home, I know it is nice to have a holiday this weekend but I am thinking about all you teachers going back to work - hope all goes well and your kids treat you well in the next couple of days.
"Where is Lucas?"
"Here I am"

Saturday, August 30, 2008

So Much Attention!!!

"Butternut Pumpkin is one of my favourites"

Play date with Sarah - The box kids

"Playing in my toy tub"

"Just reading my Dino book Mom"

The centre of attention

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

All The Old Tricks


Front Pack


Crying it out

Carrying around

Car ride

You name it we tried it today - all equalled no sleep for Lucas. Oh that isnt true he had an hour nap this morning from 8 - 9 after I pushed him around the neighbourhood for about 1/2 and hour. This after he woke up this morning at 5:30. The he had a 20 min nap while I walked around the waterfront for an hour. He is finally down in his bed and it it 3:45 I have my fingers crossed that he sleeps until Peter gets home but I doubt that will be the case. He has been lots of fun today but so overtired that I can't let him play by himself. Oh well lets hope tomorrow goes better.

He absolutely loves sitting up, maybe that is why he wont sleep wants to be sitting and playing. He really wants to go places reaching out and lunging at almost everything, although he is not able to support his weight on his arms so ends up on his knees and his forehead instead, I am sure he will learn soon enough, either that or we are going to have the weirdest kid on the block who just pushes his head around the carpet.

We have tried Kumara (sweet potatoe) the last two days and he definetly doesnt like it, almost didnt eat any of it this morning. I am not sure if that is the sleeping problem or not. Anyway we are going to give it a pass for a little while, I will try it again later. So last night Peter and I got a butternut pumpkin/squash ready to go. We spent the better part of an hour cutting the thing up. Man they are hard. It cost $2 to buy the pumpkin and I think I have enough ice cubes to last until Lucas can go in the freezer and get it out himself. So much better value than buying the jarred baby food. Although I think I might buy some of the jars so that I can reuse them for when I need to start taking a lunch with me places. Just can't decide what kind of food to buy - maybe some meat would be best as I am not sure that pureeing meat is going to be one of my strong points. Speaking of lunch I havent added it to his daily meals yet, maybe next week. It is such a big deal because I am not always home so I will have to have it ready all the time and really I am not sure that I am ready for that. I know I said I was going to start it this week last week but maybe I will start it next week and then next week I can say the same thing again. I think he is doing ok on 2 meals a day.

In all the books I have read they say that starting solids wont help them sleep through the night. I think that is bull. Since we have moved his dinner time to 5:30 at night he has slept through everynight. He gets up somewhere between 8 and 11pm, has a little feed and then sleeps until 6am (usually - sometimes 7 if we are really lucky and this morning as I said 5:30 when we are not so lucky). Decided to stop reading as the books just make you feel like you are doing things wrong and since we learned early on that Lucas doesnt follow the rules any way what is the point so I am reading for fun again. Reading a really good book right now, "A thousand splendid suns" by the same author of the kite runner it is hard to put down. Actually since I have had such a tough day today I am going to go and read it even though I "should" be folding laundry and other stuff I figure that can wait till tomorrow it really isnt urgent.

If I were to ever write a book on babies it would say "don't make any plans for when they are sleeping because the days you make plans are the days that they don't sleep and then all the plans you had don't get done and you get frustrated. So just do what you can when you can. Go with the flow, as they say." It might also say "try not to look in the mirror too much on the busy days because you are not going to like what you see looking back at you. Instead imagine what you look like that day and try really hard not to remember that you hadn't brushed your teeth or combed your hair when you run into someone you weren't expecting to see." I think it best that I don't write a book, I'll just stick to venting on the BLOG.

Thanks for listening to me vent. I feel better!

One piece of non-lucas news. I am officially a Matter, at least in New Zealand. I have changed all my I.D. Just working now on my Canadian Passport. It has only taken 4 years but hey some of us work a little slower than others.

Having cuddles with his seahorse - he loves this thing!

"Want to play ball?"

"Where's Lucas?"
"Here I am!"

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dare I say "Routine"?

The last few days have been pretty good and I am cautious to say that we are in a routine of sorts. Lucas has slept through the last few nights and seems to be happy doing so, I know it makes me happy. He is still getting 2 meals a day breakfast and dinner, I am considering putting in a lunch this week but that really depends how energetic I am - jury is out on that one.

Spring is just around the corner and today was a beautiful day. Lucas and I got to play outside, finally. It hasn't rained at all today of course it is Monday so Peter had to go to work but i am still happy to see the nice weather returning.

We have been doing some looking for our trip back to Canada and working with some travel agents to find the best price - it so isnt cheap. We are looking forward to it, can't wait to see how lucas responds to all the new people he is going to meet, snow, a plane ride, hotels, Christmas, presents - oh there are so many things to look forward to I am getting very excited.

Lucas is really getting to know what the camera is for and that he is supposed to smile when it comes out, I am having a hard time getting photos of him that aren't smiles any more because he automatically looks at the camera and smiles when I bring it out. I guess that is a good thing.

Sitting up is going amazing - today I left him sitting (with pillows around) playing in the living room and walked around doing random stuff for about 10 mins and he sat playing the entire time, I hope this means he will be a little more independent and play on his own more once he is sitting with confidence. I got a really good video of him sitting that I am going to try and load on facebook if you want to take a look at it there, as long as the computer/internet cooperates I will put it up later today.

He has also learned how much fun it is to put his hands in his mouth while he is eating - I figured the clean little boy couldn't last forever.

He still really enjoys his exersaucer and is even starting to play with the noisy chickens - they used to scare him a little but he is getting braver every day.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

That's Better

Alright I have figured things out again. Lucas and I are back to normal. Only took a couple of days so at least I didn't have "baby brain" for too long.
Peter and I are busy looking at tickets for the trip home at Christmas time. Really looking forward to visiting everyone but not so looking forward to having Lucas on the plane for so long. Maybe he will surprise us and he will like the plane, who knows. It is still a couple of months away so he will be much more active by then and hopefully able to entertain himself a little more.
Today was a really good day. He was in such a good mood. Aunt Elissa came over to play and Lucas was really energetic while she was here - usually he is sleeping or grumpy so it was a nice change for her.

Lucas has starting to talk again and blowing lots of bubbles - very entertaining. He has also picked up the habit of humming while he eats. My parents said Madisyn (My brother's daughter) does the same thing so I guess it runs in the family. He is also learning to kiss, he is really good at giving me kisses but struggles to kiss Daddy, he is getting there. I figure he knows that I am a softy and he is just wearing me down for whatever it is that he wants so he can get his way. He is doing really well at sitting up and loves to reach out for things, I dont think it will be much longer before he is on the move - I had better get busy on making the house baby proof. He loves his exersaucer, I think he likes being able to play by himself in there. He is a little to tall for the shortest height though but the next height up he can't touch the ground so sometimes he gets a little bit too rocky but he is learning.

He continues to like his food - even eating it off the bib it I let him

Started thinking about going back to work next year today - not sure what we will do but have to start looking at my options. Also need to decide where we are going to live so nothing is ever easy to decide around here. I think the trip home at Christmas time will really help to see where we want to settle for the next little while.

Peter did his hockey pool draft today - very serious stuff. Then he was really nice and looked after Lucas while I went out for lunch with Sandra and Elissa. It was good to catch up it feels like forever since we have been out. Sandra is getting big (she is pregnant). I am getting excited for there to be a new baby around. Lucas is going to have another friend, the rumour is he is going to be a big boy though - doctor says 10lbs - poor Sandra
Got to talk to Elissa today about the wedding, sounds like things are coming together. It is going to be really exciting to come home for the big day. We went the other day to look at bridesmaid dresses, it is always so much fun going to bridal shops so many pretty things to look at. She seems to have everything organized so not too much looking just getting measured and all that fun stuff, maybe some time at the gym before the wedding is in order for me, although I am not sure where I am going to fit it in and if the gym is what I want to do in my "time off". We will see what happens.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I am a Mess

So I thought I was doing fine yesterday morning - things definetly took a turn for the worse

The morning started out great. Peter and I got up at 7am (thanks for the extra hour Lucas, hope that keeps up) and got Lucas fed - pears this morning yummy, I had a shower and then Peter went to work.

8:30 Lucas went to sleep.

9:30 I was supposed to go for coffee but Lucas was still asleep so we stayed home

10:00 Lucas still asleep

10:30 Checked on Lucas to make sure he was still breathing - yep but still asleep

11:00 Heard Lucas laughing so figured he was awake, went in to his room and got him up, fed him

11:20 got in the car to go to the mall - definetly missed the coffee this morning

12:30 Lucas started to get grumpy so I decided (in all my wisdom) to get him in the car and go home - stupid, should have layed him down and let him have a sleep but all of a sudden I became super mom and figured I could get him to sleep when we got home, like I got a new child or something. Spent the next few hours trying to get him to sleep or at least not be carried around. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!!

3:15 I had lunch and a cup of tea (since I missed my coffee) and I had a nap

4:00 Lucas woke up and I fed him and he had his dinner, pumpkin again, which he is supposed to have at 3:00 but since my day was such a mess this didnt happen

5:00 Lucas crying not going to sleep

6:00 Peter feeds him

6:30 bath time with Daddy

6:45 Finally in bed for the night and Mom can put her head back on straight for tomorrow - at least we hope
Some more pictures from Nana and Papa's visit
Just chillaxin on the couch together
Lucas is still a little wobbly on his bum so Papa offers a nice cuddle to keep him upright
Nana gets in one last feeding time
I don't know Lucas you are supposed to jump or something. Apparently putting different things, like water, under your feet on the jolly jumper help you to learn - just go with it
One of the best pictures from butterfly creek - most of the pictures are a little cloudly due to a fogged up lens since it was so warm in there

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It has been a while

So much has been going on since I last wrote. Sorry I have been a little slack. But I have been enjoying time with my parents.

Yesterday Mom and Dad flew home, a sad day. We had some sun so we actually got to have a nice walk on the waterfront. We finished the trip the same way we started.

Last week we went to butterfly creek. It was pretty cool. Lucas really enjoyed himself. At the start of the butterfly place there were 2 fish tanks Lucas loved them. He was mesmorized by the fish and lots of humming. We got into the butterfly place, it was awesome 28 degrees I dont think I have been so warm since winter hit here. Lucas even got to take his socks off. The butterflies were all over the place flying all around us. They were a little too fast for Lucas to see but he enjoyed looking at them.

Dad and Peter have finished most of the jobs on our list of things that need to be done around the house. They were quite productive even in the rain. Our deck is now Lucas friendly with a railing all around and gates at the steps so he cant fall down. Now all we need is some nice weather so Lucas and I can get out onto the deck.

My Mom and I got to have a nice day of shopping at the mall, although it has changed quite a bit with Lucas, can't just shop for the whole day I had to stop and feed him and then keep him entertained. He is getting much better at entertaining himself but still needs lots of attention.

Lucas is working on sitting up and is doing really well, he is actually putting his arm out now to stop himself from falling over, still can't leave him sitting on his own but he is getting there. Peter has been practising crawling with Lucas so he is now pulling his legs up under himself and pushing up on his arms. Soon enough he will be on the move. He really enjoys his exersaucer and is able to play on his own for a lot longer. He loves to play with his feet and is trying hard to get them into his mouth but he has a bit of trouble keeping them there.

Lucas is now eating two meals a day. He gets fruit in the morning and veggies at night. He loves his food, when he finishes the bowl of food he almost cries becasue he wants more. I think he takes after his dad. Next week I think we will start to have lunch as well.

I can't believe he is almost 6 months old - time is flying by.

Today is my first day alone for a month now, I really am going to have to get myself organized again, I only have 2 hands rather than 8! Will see how it goes - so far so good Lucas has gone down for a nap this morning and I have had a shower and breakfast - ready to face the day. I can't take all the credit Peter is always very helpful in the morning before work.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

2 Nights in a Row

Hard to believe!!! Lucas slept through the night last night as well - cross my fingers this is becoming a routine, although I had better not get too used to it as that is when everything seems to change.

Lots of excitment in the house, Lucas is starting to pull his legs up underneath himself onto his knees and he is reaching out for things when he is sitting ending up on his tummy, looking like the crawling is going to start soon, better get going on making the house safe for him.

Speaking of making it safe, Peter and my Dad have been busy putting a railing up on the deck to make sure Lucas can't fall through. It is looking really good too. Dad also put another outside light on the house which doesn't really help Lucas but makes our house a little less appealling to breakins - not that it is all that appealling without the light.

Last night was better for eating but I thought I would include a picture of what Lucas did to his Dad the night before.

Last night Lucas had a babysitter for the first time. Peter and I went out on a date, we went out for dinner and then icecream, got home at the oh so late hour of almost 9pm!!! A couple of crazy kids we are. It was great Mom and Dad looked after Lucas. He was asleep when we left at about 6:30 but woke up around 7:30. My Mom fed him a bit of a bottle and then he sat up and watched a bit of the olympics and then went back to bed, what a good little man. It was nice to have a night out without Lucas, I didn't even call home when we were out. It was hard to do but I accomplished it. It was so much fun we need to do it again. Thinking we are going to get some kind of a babysitting share with the girls from coffee group - we will see how it goes.

Today Lucas gets weighed and measured, I am really looking forward to it I know he has put on a lot of weight - you could almost say he is chubby, that is if you look at him the right way
Kisses for Mom

More Travels

Lots of hiking and exploring the last couple of days. The weather has cooperated a little bit and the sun has come out most days, although the rain is still lingering around - can't complain though the storms seem to have passed which makes getting outside a lot easier.

Last night Lucas slept through the night again - he did wake up at 2am but just did a little cry and then went back to sleep, I hope this becomes his regular routine because getting up every night is getting a little old.

We have started another meal for Lucas. He is getting a meal at night. Only problem is that he doesn't seem to have an off button so he eats and eats until he pukes. Not so good. I have had to make some changes and make sure I only give him a little bit, we will see how it goes.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Photos from Dad's camera

A nice dip in the hot tub on a cool night - a key thing to look for when booking a holiday bach

Family photo amongst the rocks

Lucas wouldn't stop crying in the car so when we had to stop to pick up some essentials (chips and whiskey) Peter got out and swung him back and forth to get him to calm down

After just eating bananas - We arent sure if he likes them or not

Sailor Mal on his way to Waiheke

Lucas is not sure about Papa

No not too sure about this guy - need to get away from him, he is short and he has no hair

Having a good time in the bath, learning front crawl now - Peter has high hopes

On the ferry, we couldn't figure out what was so interesting for Lucas - finally noticed the T.V, couldn't take his eyes off it

A good picture of the bach we stayed in on Waiheke