It really is true that they grow so fast. Lucas is doing so great, he is sleeping much better which means we have much better awake time together. I am enjoying him so much. We have been playing lots of little games and singing songs. He recently discovered himself in the mirror and likes to smile at the baby smiling back at him. 
It is definetly winter here - at least some days. Lucas and I went for a walk so I bundled him all up in his cute little yellow fleece sleeper (thanks Nana and Papa) and put him into the sleeping bag in his mountain buggy and off we went.
The wind was pretty strong and it was quite cold, although about 10 minutes later (in true Auckland style) the sun started shining really hard and it was so hot the poor little guy was sweating in his fleece. I am not sure how I would cope in Canada I think he probably is sweating most of the time, but they say one more layer than you would wear and I wear a lot of layers so Lucas has to wear more!
Sometimes he needs to be woken up for his last
feed of the day. Aunt Elissa got the job done, with much resistance from Lucas. Aunt Elissa got to read him is story before bed as well.
He looks so interested in "Goodnight Moon". Maybe we have an academic on our hands.
It is so cute to see him sitting in his chair listening (at least that is what it looks like) to his Daddy read to him.
We don't get much opportunity to watch hockey here but they do show the stanley cup. So Peter took the afternoon off and we watched the last game - Lucas is ready and excited to go, except he ended up sleeping through the whole first period. Maybe not as big of a fan as Dad had hoped yet.
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