Our computer is not working anymore so I have not been able to update the blog for some time, I have been going through withdrawal. Peter has let me use his laptop and oh my goodness is it ever much faster than ours (when it is working).
Things have been going well, Lucas has taken a step backwards in the sleeping. I think he might be going through a growth spurt - up 2 or 3 times at night now instead of the once!!! Hopefully it will change in the next little while.
Lets talk POO!! Lucas has not had a poo for 14 days now - CRAZY!!! Apparently it is nothing to worry about, he can use almost 100% of what he takes in. He does have some stinky farts though so hopefully soon he will relieve himself and I hope I am home when he does as I figure it will be a doozy!!!
He has been practising sitting up and he loves to feel his feet - maybe he will walk before he sits, probably not. He is enjoying tummy time and has started to push up on his arms and he can spend quite a bit more time on his tummy without getting upset.

He started blowing zurburts (Spelling??) Today, it is pretty funny he takes a big deep breath and then puts his lips together and blows spit all over his face, big smiles after.
We took a trip up north (only 1 1/2 hours away) and Lucas cried almost the entire way there, we had to stop to feed him - crazy. It was probably because we left after work which is fussy time for him and he showed us that all the way there. We had a good weekend though, he wasn't too bad even though he was not in his own environment. Maybe that is why our sleep routine is a little out of wack now. 

Lucas is having a nap at coffee group - what a cutie! Ok so the nap didn't last very long!

Lucas lazing around with some of his friends, he kept trying to hold hands with Olivia beside him, maybe we have a romeo on our hands. He wont get any girls if he doesnt stop his stinky farts soon though!
We have been having some stormy weather and Lucas has taken to watching the trees outside blowing in the wind, maybe he misses going out for his walks, soon enough, hopefully the weather cooperates and we can get out for more walks.

What a cutie!
Some non-Lucas news. I figured since it was announced on facebook I could add it to the blog. Congratulations Elissa and Sean on the big engagement! We are so excited for them. They are back in Canada right now touring around and visiting. Peter and I are looking forward to hearing the decisions they are making! It sounds like the wedding might be at Christmas time, might mean a trip home for all the NZ Matters!!! 
My eyes are burning! I have been online for so long, wow I didn't realize how much of a computer/internet geek I am!
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