I called the plunket nurse (like public health at home I guess) and they said if he doesn't poo tonight that he needs to see a doctor now because it has gone too long.
I don't really think it is bothering him, I think he must be growing like crazy because he is eating a lot and today when he was feeding I swear I heard his tummy grumble - unless it was more gas.
We are trying to give Lucas one bottle of formula a day just because he is eating so much and this way he could get more food without starting solids yet, as I think he is still a little young, although if he keeps getting up 3 times in the night we might start solids earlier than planned. I say trying as he doesn't always want to eat it and cries and cries.
Peter has been patient with him but Lucas often just refuses and in the end I am a softy and I feed him normally. Maybe next week I will be more strict either formula or nothing at that feed - we will see.
I am reading up on starting solids and plan to buy some stuff this week for the first meal. Could be a disaster but I am looking forward to it.
Crappy weather again today but there was a sunny break and Peter took Lucas out for a run - can't go too long though because Lucas gets to a point where he doesn't want to be in the buggy any more and no matter what you do he will scream until you take him out.
It's good if you wanted an early finish to your run.
Now we will always know which room Lucas is in. Not that we would forget
Went out for Coffee with Sandra today - she is starting to look very pregnant. I am excited for the little Sprague baby. Lucas will have to show him the ropes.
Peter is out in the garage cleaning the cars, he just came in and told me I am welcome to join him. I guess that means I need to go and start doing some work around the house - no rest for the wicked!!
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