Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It Happened Again

Last night Lucas slept from 7pm to 5am and then went down again at 5:30 until 8:30. He is a super star!!!

He has been so much more expressive lately and his cries are starting to sound angry at times. Especially when I leave him to cry before he goes to sleep and he does not agree that he should be left there - poor kid. Last night Peter was changing him and Lucas wanted to play with big bug that hangs above the change table - it is too high for him to reach so he needs one of us to pull it down for him, well I guess Peter didn't move quick enough so Lucas grunted at him with his arms stretched out until he had Big Bug in his hands - cheeky little monster.

Lucas and I went for a walk this morning it was probably 8km and man did it make me tired. I have been dragging around ever since. You would think with the big sleep last night that I would be better off but not so. Lucas has also been fussy, except when we were out walking. Hope this isnt a sign of things to come, sleep through the night and be fussy all day again - oh well we will take it as it comes.

Computer is being so slow, only 2 pictures today!

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