Big news this morning. Lucas was playing horsey on Dad's knee. Well he thought that was pretty funny. He let out 3 little giggles!!! He has been building up to a laugh for so long it was nice to finally hear it come out. I was happy that Peter was home for it since he hasn't had another giggle yet.
Every Day a new adventure!!
Lucas is still learning to hold on to his ball.
He has a hard time deciding which one he likes better the green or the yellow so sometimes he just holds on to both of them.
Today he started being interested in the teething ring. He kept trying to get it to his mouth.
It took him an awfully long time because it kept slipping out of his hand and would end up down over his wrist. A lot of patience and he finally got it to his mouth.
We have started heating a couple of rooms during the day - basically where Lucas is. So when we want to play in the Jolly Jumper he has to get dressed for winter. The last couple of times he has been in the Jolly Jumper he had a big poo. No such luck today buddy!
I am really loving this stage with Lucas he is so much fun. My days have changed a bit, I cram as much fun play time as Lucas can handle in hour blocks and then he is tired out enough for about an hour nap. Then I try to remember what I was doing before he woke up so I can get back to it and not leave things half done. This week we have taken it pretty easy, relaxed a bit and I have just been enjoying hanging out with Lucas. Next week I think I am starting another course - this one is all about how to start solids - sounds rivating!!! I also think we are going to start one morning a week at the library for a music and movement course - we will see if he enjoys that or not.
I am happy to announce that on Saturday I am finally getting my hair cut (as long as Lucas cooperates and can go for a walk with Peter). I think the last time I got it cut I was 5 months pregnant so it was a while ago. No colour this time I dont think Lucas can wait the 3 hours + it takes to get that done.
1 comment:
Lucas keep wearing the orange it seems to be working for the Euro Cup so far!
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