Sunday, June 29, 2008
Another Day Without POO!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
It's Good To Be Back
We took a trip up north (only 1 1/2 hours away) and Lucas cried almost the entire way there, we had to stop to feed him - crazy. It was probably because we left after work which is fussy time for him and he showed us that all the way there. We had a good weekend though, he wasn't too bad even though he was not in his own environment. Maybe that is why our sleep routine is a little out of wack now.
Some non-Lucas news. I figured since it was announced on facebook I could add it to the blog. Congratulations Elissa and Sean on the big engagement! We are so excited for them. They are back in Canada right now touring around and visiting. Peter and I are looking forward to hearing the decisions they are making! It sounds like the wedding might be at Christmas time, might mean a trip home for all the NZ Matters!!!
My eyes are burning! I have been online for so long, wow I didn't realize how much of a computer/internet geek I am!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Just Pictures Today
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
It Happened Again
He has been so much more expressive lately and his cries are starting to sound angry at times. Especially when I leave him to cry before he goes to sleep and he does not agree that he should be left there - poor kid. Last night Peter was changing him and Lucas wanted to play with big bug that hangs above the change table - it is too high for him to reach so he needs one of us to pull it down for him, well I guess Peter didn't move quick enough so Lucas grunted at him with his arms stretched out until he had Big Bug in his hands - cheeky little monster.
Lucas and I went for a walk this morning it was probably 8km and man did it make me tired. I have been dragging around ever since. You would think with the big sleep last night that I would be better off but not so. Lucas has also been fussy, except when we were out walking. Hope this isnt a sign of things to come, sleep through the night and be fussy all day again - oh well we will take it as it comes.