One more week and we move into our house. Looking forward to starting life over again, getting things sorted and finding a routine of some sort.
Lucas has been very happy, he is talking lots still, actually non stop really. He loves to talk, not always making any sense at the moment, as he is trying to make sentences but words seem to be connected with random sounds. Cute but not quite understandable at this stage.
We have bought a new (used) car. 2005 Nissan Murano. I like it, it is a bit bigger than I had planned so it is taking a bit of getting used to but we are getting there. Lots of room for all the stuff we need to take places for Lucas. which will be nice, no more puzzling it into our little station wagon. The greatest thing about it is, unlike the white wagon, it is quite inside, I can't hear the wind barrelling by at high speeds, thank goodness. Lucas seems happy with it so far, as happy as he can be in the car I guess.
New babies in town. Pat and Lori had their little guy 10lbs 1ounce if you can call that little. They named him Tyson Cater. Brown and Rhonda had their tiwn girls the other day as well. Having babies seems to be the thing to do lately.
I am still hangining in there, have a while to go yet. Not due until the middle of February with the next one. Lucas is excited about the new baby, at least he is so far. He loves to give kisses and cuddles to my belly and talks about the baby all the time, if it is not mommy's baby it is his that he has in his belly, sometimes that baby is a chicken. Hope nothing comes out of that one.
Peter is still plugging away at his business, not sure how happy he is with it, I think time will tell. Seems he likes working from home though and Lucas loves to see him during the day which is nice.
Lucas now has a membership at the YMCA and we go there quite often, he loves playing on all the toys (Elmos especially)
It is Halloween tonight but we took a pass this year, Lucas is a bit young and his costume is still in NZ, hopefully it will be here before Christmas time. Would be nice to open up a box of all our stuff before next year, we will see though.
Lucas taking his dog for a walk, notice it is not a real one, it will be a long time before he has a real dog to walk - this one works well for now
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