Friday, September 25, 2009

Still Going

Poor little Lucas has almost lost his voice. We had one day of not so hot weather and bam! runny nose, droopy eyes and a sore throat. Doesn't take much for this kid to get sick. It might have something to do with his aversion to vegetables, not sure. The cold has not stopped him though, he has been busy, busy, busy!

On Saturday we went to Nana and Papa's house to celebrate Madisyn's 3rd birthday and see Colin, Amy and Hayden. They were down as Colin leaves on Sept 30th for Afghanistan for at least a 6 month tour. It was great to see them and meet Hayden. Lucas and Hayden had loads of fun playing round and round wearing Papa's hats and taking turns pushing each other in Hayden's baby buggy. I will hold on to the photos of Lucas for incriminating evidence when he is older and much more macho.

On Monday we went to African Lions Safari. The one day it rained, of course, we had a good time anyway. The park was pretty much empty. Lucas loved all the animals (look Nana there are more over there!)and walking around the park in the puddles (may explain the cold he has now). Hayden was much more sensible. He also got to go for a train ride, which may have been the highlight of his day, as trains have become his favourite thing (especially Thomas the Tank Engine)

Yesterday Lucas had another eventful day, chickens came to Matter Farms. Wow was that ever exciting, thousands and thousands of chickens filling the barn floor. A sea of yellow (Lucas' favourite colour). They followed the little guy everywhere, guess they thought he might be their mommy. He is not the most gentle with little animals though, Lucas loved picking them up by the neck. Mommy not a big fan of all the chickens all over my feet, don't know how often I will go into the barn, next time I will have to wear boots to protect me from the little feet and beaks - yuck!!!

He is still busy doing stuff though, we went to the dollar store today and he got a new winter hat for, you guessed it a $1 - I love North American pricing, feels so good to spend only a little and get something new. We also made a stop at a book store to have a look around and boy oh boy did we hit pay dirt! A whole table with Thomas the tank engine and all his friends all set up to play around the track, all to play with for free, another reason to love North America, not everything costs to play. I did get asked an awful lot if I needed any help but I just kindly said no thanks just taking a look. Never spent a dime and Lucas had the time of his life.

Something new that Lucas knows - How old are you Lucas? "I'm One!"

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