It is hard to believe he is going to be 8 months old in 2 days!!!
The weather has been funny here, one day we are on the beach enjoying the sunshine and the next day I have pulled out my wool shirts again. Making a lot of people sick, I really hope we don't get "the sickness" again at our house.
I am finding myself busier every day. Lucas is napping 3, sometimes 2 times a day. When he is not nappinghe needs to be entertained, unless he is eating that is. We are going to GymbaROO and Peter is taking him swimming I need to make sure we have things on the go everyday or else he gets bored and doesn't have very good naps and we have a pretty grumpy baby. I foresee this only getting busier. Thankfully he is still going to bed pretty early, around 6:30 or 7:00 so we get a bit of a rest before I crash for the night as well.
Yesterday was Guy Fawkes day - why we celebrate it in New Zealand is beyond me. Lots of fireworks going on ALL NIGHT long! It was raining last night so I figure we will probably have another night tonight with the sky on fire. It is unbelievable to see kids standing in the middle of the road holding on to a firework as it fires off into the air - can you say "STUPID"!!!!!
They have passed a law here that fireworks are only allowed to be sold over the three days around Guy Fawkes day. Which means if you want fireworks at any other time of the year you need to save them. Because of that there are a lot of ads on the radio and T.V. I was not impressed to hear that one of the fireworks they are selling is called 'downtown Kandahar' - pretty disgusting! I can't believe that people thought it was 'ok' to name something you do for enertainment after a place that is going through a horrible ordeal - again disgusting. Whether you support the war or not it still seems wrong.
1 comment:
Lucas is so adorable...his Marmite on toast picture is too cute for words.
I didn't realise that New Zealand did Guy Fawkes was nuts here last night as the houses are stupidly close together with postage stamp sized back yards and people were still lighting off fireworks like they weren't dangerous at all!!
Anyway hope you guys are well, hoping to run into you at Christmas
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