So many photos taken of this little guy every day it is hard to decide which ones to load up. He has been talking up a storm his favourite word is still Da Da Da.
He also says Ya Ya and a little bit of Na Na - well done Mom on choosing an easy name to say! Still waiting on Mom yet.
Lots of waving Hi and Bye. If you say hello or Bye he will wave now which was pretty exciting. He has figured out who Mom and Dad are so if you say "Where is Dad?" He will look for Peter. I know he is a smart little cookie!
He has started eating cheese this week and it sure is a winner, everyday I think "Man is he like his father!"
Still not crawling though
Lucas and playing by himself is still a struggle. He has managed a half hour (I know a long time) of keeping himself occupied as long as I am in the room and he has some cheese to keep him company. This is the problem if I leave the room we have a melt down. Still at the two minute limit but trying hard to increase it.
The last couple of days have been awesome weather. I have my first sunburn on the season. So I have a red nose and forehead, let's be honest though that is just what I look like all summer so I shouldn't be surprised. Lucas and I spent Friday at the beach and I went down all prepared for Lucas with contingency plans for all possible scenarios cold, hot, thirsty, hungry, sleepy, bottle, wet, swimming, shade, etc etc. For me I took my car keys, cell phone and my wallet - really prepared, hence the sunburn!!!
Aunt Elissa moved in until our big trip home. Lucas is still getting used to her!
I'd like an enlargement of the first picture of Shannon and Lucas. It's great!
Double click on the photo to get the large version and then you can save that photo
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