So since he didn't sleep in his buggy while we were out he fell asleep in the car on the way home. Great timing as I was just pulling into the driveway. Of course the car stops and he wakes up they he thinks his 5 minute shut eye was an actual nap so do you think he will go back to sleep, no way he is up and ready to play even though he actually has bags under his eyes and the fact that he needs to rub his eyes every couple of seconds keeps getting in the way of his playing he doesnt care he still thinks he doesnt need to sleep so no matter how much I try we had no sleep today he woke up early from his first nap at 8:45 and finally went back to sleep at 3:30 after his bath. hopefully that doesnt make him unable to sleep tonight be 'as they say' "sleep begets sleep!!!" I really hate that saying, I wish it werent true.
While I am on a rant I might as well continue last night didnt go to sleep until 9:30, we started at 6:30. Little greedy guts needed another bottle to finally calm himself down enough to close his cute little eyes.
On a more positive note, every once in a while Elissa comes over and makes us dinner - nice treat and last night she was here and made the most amazing hamburgers with all the fixins so much so it was hard to get your mouth around them, um um good. To use some Kiwi talk - 'they were beautiful'
Back on to Lucas but in a good way he is now trying to hold 2 different toys at once. He can actually get them into his hands but can't quite figure out how to continue to hold both so he will drop the first one and concentrate on the second. Once he realizes he has dropped that on he picks it back up and the cycle starts again. Funny to watch, you would think he would get frustrated but he doesnt seem to.
He is itchin to get moving although he does not know how and instead just does some leg pumps and shakes a lot but goes not where. That being said he thinks his crib is a jungle gym and barely ever stays where we put him. He spins himself around and pushes lots with his legs until he is either all the way at the top or the bottom. So far it hasnt seemed to change his sleeping habits (see above they were never good anyway)
Soon enough Sprague is going to have a little one of these guys, not going to be long now.
"Mommy what is this doing in my bowl full of blocks?"
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