Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Back in the Work Force

After looking at the budget and gizzling a lot we decided I needed to some kind of paid employment. I then started to look into child care and discovered that I would not make enough money to go back to work - after child care I would take home about $10 a day - not really worth my time. So I started to look for jobs in the evenings and weekends. Never thought I would get anything of value but believe it or not there are schools open on Saturdays. So I will be teaching for 3 hours every Saturday morning until December. I am really looking forward to it. Will be nice to do something with my brain for a while and I think Peter will be happy to have some 'alone time' with Lucas without me hovering over him all the time. This Saturday will be the test to see if I am cut out for it or not. It is a higher level than I was teaching before but should be a good challenge. If nothing else I am sure Peter is looking forward to more 'teacher talk', I know he misses it.

Lucas' has a second tooth it pushed its way through the gums this morning. He is still grumpy and drooly so I dont think it is quite finished coming in. Other than that he is doing well.

We started a new routine (I use that term very loosely). We are trying to stretch him out to 4 hours between bottles as he was not finishing it all at 3 hours so hopefully this will work. It means he has a bottle and then an hour later he has his solids and then he has a nap which hopefully lasts for at least an hour and then the process starts again. Today is day 3 so we are still adjusting but he seems to be able to get more play time this way which is better for all of us.

He has been drinking quite a bit of water - I think he thinks it is a treat but I am going to have to slow him down as he seems to pee through all of his layers lately. Yesterday I think we had outfits on, a little ridiculous I think.

Lucas is getting to know his family through pictures - we had to laminate them because he would not stop giving everyone kisses!

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