Today is a big day (maybe too much at once but that seems to be how I work)!
Lucas is getting his first immunization which won't be fun. On top of that I am trying to teach Lucas to self settle. Which really means when he is tired putting him in his bed and letting him cry until he falls asleep. The book ("Oh Baby", by Kathy Fray) tells me that it isn't mean and that he will get over it. It doesn't say anything about me getting over it though.
So this morning we got up at 7am we had some breakfast, a diaper change and then we played for about 30 mins until he started showing tired signs. Then I picked him up and swaddled him tigh
t, kissed him goodnight said "night night" in my most pleasent voice, stuck him in his crib and left the room. He was quiet for a couple of minutes and I was thinking "oh this isn't too hard why didn't we do this earlier?", then the crying started. The book tells me that the crying will follow a particular pattern and it did except since Lucas is used to being rocked or walked to sleep for the last 6 weeks he took a little longer than the book predicts.
Prediction = max 20 mins of crying with breaks in between
Lucas = 45 mins of extreme crying
However I stuck it out and I had a shower and made myself busy all the while trying not to look at the clock (really I looked every couple of seconds - can't believe how long 1 minute can be, I'm sure some minutes have more than 60 seconds). Finally about 10 mins ago there has been no sound coming from his room. He now has about an hour to sleep before we start the same process again. I really hope this works. (As I write this he has been asleep, at least that is what I assume he is doing in there, for 25 mins and he is now crying again - book says that might happen and to let it go, more torture)
We are trying this because Lucas is over tired. We have known it for a while but haven't really known what to do about it. When I was reading about some of the things he should be doing at each stage of his life I realized that if we don't get his sleeping habits under control I won't be able to teach him any of these exciting things since he is a grumpy gus most of the time. This sleeping will help him to b
e more alert and happy in his awake times. I keep repeating the words my Mom asked me yesterday to remind me why we are doing this. She said to me "Is Lucas ever happy?". The answer simple, when he has had enough sleep yes but most of the time no.
Therefore more sleep = happy Lucas.
Repeat more sleep = Happy Lucas.
One more time More sleep = happy Lucas.
Maybe we should try that again More sleep = happy Lucas.
Pray for strength and patience to get through this and that it works.
All that being said Today this may go out the window because at 11:15 this morning Lucas is going to have some exciting play time. The little guy is going to get the shock of his life as someone he doesn't know in a place he doesn't like will jab him with a sharp needle and make him cry for another reason all together. (Not my idea of a great play time)
Why don't children come with an instruction manual??????
So just to make me happy and for those of you who haven't seen these pictures yet I figured I would post the pictures of Happy Lucas for your enjoyment. Also to remind myself that if this strategy works we will see many more of these smiles and much more often. Wish us luck!!
(Lucas is still crying as I post this!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!)
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