Playing daddy games and having good times, including headbutting balloons - something a Mom would never play - good thing he has a Dad to teach him crazy games, you never know when the skill of balloon headbutting will come in handy. Then Lucas went for a nap (or I should say he was supposed to go for a nap it didnt last very long). Later I went out for coffee and a walk and Peter cut the grass and went to the gym. All and all a pretty exciting day. The rest of the day we shared hanging out with Lucas and enjoyed being a family - good times.
We discovered today that if we act as soon as Lucas starts to seem tired we can get h
im down with out too much crying - he still cries of course, but less. It means being pretty demanding about it as in "no more pictures he needs to go to bed NOW!", "No not just one more cuddle, bed", "I know it looks like he wants to hang out with us but really he wants to go to bed". We are slowly figuring it out, as seen by our latest family picture with Lucas just about to scream his head off (he still looks pretty cool in his polo shirt though).
Now that Peter and I are both unemployed we need to start thinking (again) about where we want to live. Mr. Beaver and his family and friends in Canada are trying to lure us back to the great white north. While Mr. Bear and his Kiwi friends are enticing us with great tramping and beatutiful beaches. "Lucas where do you want to live?"
I need to remember to stop taking pictures with dirty diapers in the back ground, better yet I need to remember to throw them out as soon as I take them off him or I am going to be in trouble when he starts grabbing at things.
As Lucas is growing I get to dress him up in all the nice clothes that everyone sent down for him. Here is the latest outfit that he has grown into from Pat and Lori - "Thanks guys, I love how soft my pants are"
In case any of you are interested, have changed the settings on the blog so that you can leave comments without having to sign up so if you like feel fee.
1 comment:
Hi Peter and Shannon and Lucus:
So I have been enjoying your blogs Shannon over the last month and i am feeling your anxiety as i read some of them. Oh being a first time parent is terribly hard. It has been 25 years for me and i still remember it like it was yesterday. My doctor told me that every baby should be a second baby...they are sooooo much easier.
It is hard to explain but you are just so much more relaxed so there isnt much i can say to help u except it definetly gets better as they get older.
Peter is unemployed...hmmm? That is interesting...i guess it has been awhile since we talked to his parents obviously.
But all the best guys and say hi to Elissa from us
Love Teeny(and Bert as well)
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