Sunday, April 27, 2008
A quick note for today
In October Peter was told that his job was no longer going to be in New Zealand and was moving to Sydney (Australia). Peter and I did not want to move to Oz and figured if we were going to relocate again we would most likely move back home.
So he was made redundant which at the time seemed like a horrible thing, being pregnant and all but in hindsight things have worked out fine. He was supposed to finish up at work at the end of January but as most things go in business they needed him longer and he agreed to stay on until April.
So now a big decision is ahead of us, since we are both unemployed at the moment - Does Peter look for work here or do we look for jobs back home. As always we have not made a decision at this point.
Peter will probably take a month off and then start to look for something. There are lots of jobs here for accountants so he shouldn't have a problem finding something.
It is great having him at home and he really enjoys spending time with Lucas, even though Lucas is sleeping a lot more now so there isn't as much time to play but I am getting moral support as Lucas cries himself to sleep. We are making headway and Lucas is crying less as he goes to sleep which is making my life a lot easier.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Peter's first day home
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Day 3 of the crying
Monday, April 21, 2008
Self Settling = Torture for Moms
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Opa and Grandma
Saturday Elissa and Lynda threw a shower for Lucas and I. It was a lot of fun and some very generous people gave us lots of gifts that we are looking forward to using. It's amazing how many people have wanted to wish us well and let Lucas know he is loved. Feels really good to be remembered that way. Lucas was looking cute as well in his overalls for the special occasion.
Thank you very much to all those people that sent things down with the Matters it really means a lot to us.
Sunday was an easy going day. We put lucas in the front carrier and went for a walk along the water the sun was shining all though is has gotten a little chilly.
Today we are back to normal for a little while. Opa Grandma and Aunt Elissa are basking in the sun in Fiji for the week - very jealous
I thought I would post a video of Peter with Lucas since it is how we spend a lot of our time. Peter was trying to watch playoff hockey but Lucas had other ideas and decided Daddy needed to walk him around and bounce a little to get him to settle down. Earlier today Lucas had a really stinky diaper and Daddy said he would change it - Mom had to take over half way through as Lucas peed all over Dad - his aim is getting better and better! Good job Lucas you picked the right parent to pee on.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A True Kiwi Bloke
Monday, April 14, 2008
Winter is just around the corner and here that means a lot of rain. So today Lucas and I stayed inside to avoid the rain and to catch up on the sleep we missed out on last night.
Yesterday we had some windy weather but no rain until later in the evening so Peter and I were able to take Lucas out for a walk. It was a little chilly and quite windy so Lucas was dressed for winter. Our walk took us along the water, past horses and some mangroves. It wou
On the rainy days we get to play inside. Lucas is getting better at playing and is actually able to spend more time looking at things. He is good at letting me know when he has had enough though. Enjoy
After reading all the books and following all the rules (Peter will tell you I like to follow rules) you get to a point where they have to be broken just so you can get some things done. We have discovered that Lucas will go for a nap during the day as long as he is laying on his tummy. So rules out the window if it works and I get some time without carrying him around I say we go for it. (It means I am actually typing this post with both hands - it is amazing how much faster it is than my one handed typing, although I am getting much better.) I am paranoid though and check on him every 2 minutes to make sure he is still ok. Lucas is like this crazy puzzle that is changing all the time, books/midwives tell us lots of things and give us some good advice but in the end we have to go with what works for us I guess.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Still growing
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Lucas and the Leafs
Friday, April 4, 2008
One Month Old Today
- A crock pot/slow cooker is the best way to cook a meal (thanks Mom) when you have time in the morning during a nap but you know there will be no time close to dinner time
- Baby vomit can make a lot of laundry - three outfits in one day for Mom and Lucas
- Sleep is highly over rated
- Lack of sleep can make me cry at small silly things
- Peter is better at burping than me
- Lucas can poo a lot over 300 diapers in one month
- Diaper/Nappy rash is red and really hurts a little guys bum
- Not all diaper rash creams work on all babies
- Hiccups can be cured with something called gripe water
- Cold dinners aren't really that bad
- TV at 3 in the morning really isn't worth watching
- A clean diaper is fun to poo in
- Leaving the house requires meticulous planning and taking with you almost everything your child owns
- Babies are loud sleepers
- Little boys willys need to be pointing down or they pee right out of the diaper
- The mall is the safest place to go for an outing
- Going out with friends means all driving seperate so if your kid all of a sudden decides that you should not be out you dont have to ruin everyone elses plans for the day as well as your own
- Swaddling can get you a couple more minutes (sometimes hours) of sleep
- Babies don't like to be cold
- Maternity pants aren't just for women who are still pregnant
- You can type really fast with one hand
- You can train yourself to use the mouse with your left hand
- Babies see in black and white for the first little while
- Getting one load of laundry done in a day or loading the dishwasher or sweeping the floor is a huge accomplishment (note only one thing per day is permitted at this stage - Lucas frowns on productivity)
- Washing something red with a load of whites still makes everything pink
- A sleeping baby is a beautiful sight
I am sure there are more things but this is a short list of all the changes that have been happening in our lives so far. People always say when you have a child life changes - that is definelty an understatment. I now look forward to Peter being home so that we can go for a family walk around the block - no tramping or weekends away yet (although there may be a weekend in April - fingers crossed)