Thursday, October 27, 2011

I am Unique

At least I would like to think I am.

In reality I am "just another mom".
Just another Mom with a Blog who once:

  • graced the cover of the New York Times,

  • sailed across the Atlantic on a Canadian Naval Ship,

  • had her first child in New Zealand,

  • had her second child in Canada

  • and now chooses to stay at home with her children.
My BLOG is not long winded or full of expert opinions and advice. I write what makes me laugh and things that frustrate me. I figure if I find reason to write it down there must be other Moms out there who can relate.

I enjoy showing my children all the wonders of the world they live in and sharing their experiences with others.

Which is probably why people read my blog. It is nice to know there is someone else out there that has the same things going on as you do. I actually referred to it myself when I had my second child. It was great to be able to see what was "normal" and that it would pass eventually and more "normal" would return.

Have a look and see what you think.

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