Lucas has discovered a couple of new words but Maybe is his favourite at the moment, although I am not sure he gets exactly what it means. for example
Maybe Lucas would like some chocolate milk = Lucas wants chocolate milk
Maybe I would like to go to the park = I want to go to the park
Maybe Mommy would like to play trains with Lucas= Mommy wants to play trains with Lucas
Last week we went to Port Dalhousie and rode the carosel.
Lucas was sooooooo thrilled with that. Mostly because he has a book called Thomas and the New Carousel, in this book Thomas the tank engine delievers a carousel to the festival and in the process loses a crate and then has to go and find it. Well all day he talked about that book and since being on the carousel we have talked about it, read stories about it, and discussed when we will go again. Lucas: "We will go to Port Dalhousie to go on the new carousel, Thomas delievered it." Mommy: Maybe on day. Lucas: "We will, we will". I guess we are going to Port Dalhousie again.
He never forgets anything, that kid. Lucas has started thinking about Potty training, and a while back we read a book that he had taken out of the library about potty training, in the book the little kid goes on the potty and says he is proud. Now when Lucas goes on the potty he says "I am so proud of me"
Can't forget to write about the little one. Ava is constantly watching her big brother and really wants to get going with him (notice she is playing with Monster trucks in her exersaucer, such a little lady). She loves playing with his train set, Lucas asks her to come and play but when the trains get "stuck in the drool" the fun is over because apparently drool is not good for train. 
Ava is enjoying her solid food, maybe a little too much , we are having a problem getting it to come out the other end - hopefully she regulates that soon. She recently started blowing bubbles right on time, according to the development chart I follow, otherwise known as the "Lucas blog".
This weekend my brother (Colin) gets married and all the cousins will be together, probably for the first time. Should be an exciting day.
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