Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I WILL Win!!

Ava and I are fighting. Not sure what I have done to make her so angry but she is very angry with me. Yesterday she let me have it all day, she took a break for about an hour around lunchtime, then she finally exhausted herself at 5pm when she passed out for another hour, Finally in bed for the night at 7pm. Thank goodness. Can't say today has been much better but her anger seems to have calmed a little. Hoping for a better evening anyway.

I think every mom obsesses over something and mine is sleep. I think it is so important that kids get the right amount of sleep and if you live in my house you seem to need a lot of sleep. Ava has not yet learned that she would be a much happier person if she would just let go and go to sleep. It may be a bold statement but I think she is worse than Lucas was. Maybe a little better at keeping herself occupied when she is awake but probably a bit more stubborn when it comes to going down for a nap. She hates napping so much that if I go upstairs with her (nap time or not) she starts to cry and stiffens up. I don't know how I lucked out to get two kids that have an aversion to sleeping. It must be their fathers fault, it certainly is not mine. But I will win this battle one day.

On a less frustrating note Lucas is still making me laugh everyday. Still loves to play with Ava's baby toys ("When she is done Lucas can have a turn") and continues to get time out for throwing things.

Lucas still has things a bit mixed up. He calls himself 'you' and Peter and I 'me' or 'I'. It gets a bit confusing when he says things like
Lucas:"You want to have a drink?"
Mom: "No thanks Lucas I am not thirsty."
Lucas: "You want to have a drink!"
Mom: "That is very nice of you Lucas but I am not thirsty".
Mom:"Oh sorry Lucas I thought you meant me."

Not exactly sure how to get him to figure that one out.

A little over 3 weeks and Lucas gets to see Aunt Elissa and Aunt Emily in the same room. I can't wait to see his reaction, I am convinced he thinks they are the same person.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ava's so cute, it's hard to imagine her being stubborn! Hang in there.. and maybe try some rescue remedy. Love to you all xx