Whoever said your second is the easiest one and they are never a problem was oh so wrong.
We have been given the occasional smile which makes all her screaming a little more bareable.
Ava is colicky, or gassy or has reflux whatever lable you want to put on it. She screams in pain for a lot of the day. On top of that she is just as stubborn as her brother was and does not want to go to sleep. Makes for a long day. That being said there are good and bad days, yesterday was a particularly bad day since she didn't sleep for most of it. Today has been much better so that is nice.
We have moved Ava into her own room, she is such a noisy sleeper I was not getting any sleep even when she was. Peter didn't seem to be bothered by it but I thought it was like sleeping with a grumpy bear in the room, she kind of growls as she sleeps.
On a good note somehow she has been able to sleep the last 2 nights for 7 hours in a row. Or course because I am writing about it here it will not happen again but it was a nice 2 nights. I am feeling like a new person.
We had a bit of a cold in the house over Easter weekend and Peter and I were not feeling good at all. I think it is mostly gone now, but you know how these things like to hang on forever and resurface just when you think they have been licked, we will see how it goes.
We had a busy Easter with lots of visiting, it was nice to get out of the house, although I think it was a bit much for Ava she was not too happy on Sunday night at my parents house. Cried a lot and then puked all over Nana - sorry about that, and you looked so nice too.
Lucas has been doing really well, he loves to give Ava hugs
and she is the first person he asks about in the morning, always wants to go and see her to start his day. He is learning to be gentle but we are getting there.
On Saturday night Peter took Lucas to a Hamilton Bulldogs Hockey game. Peter is now the favourite parent to say the least. Lucas loved it, still last night he was talking about it before he finally drifted off to sleep I could hear him in bed saying "Go Ham Ham Bull Dogs!" and singing Oh Canada.
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