Monday, December 27, 2010
Until Further Notice
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Imagine That
He has also started to tell Ava off. I heard him just this morning saying "uh uh uh Little Miss what do you think you are doing?" and "Oh there is my pretty little lady, how are you?" All said in a sickly sweet little voice, I wonder where he has heard that before?
- Miss Greedy Guts - I can't keep the kid full
- Little Miss, just cause she is cute
- Miss Mischief, gets into everything
- Drool Monster, pretty easily explained
- The Ava Storm, she is on a mission to destroy anything built with blocks or train tracks
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Remembrance Day
These are my two younger brothers

As we were growing up they were always around for cuddles and kisses. I remember the older of my younger brothers had a favourite doll called "My Buddy" he took that doll with him everywhere. The younger one was like my very own doll. I took him everywhere I could. We played, fought and laughed together like kids do.
These are my brothers now, all grown up

I know them as Colin, on the left, and Andy on the right. But in this photo they are Sergeant and Trooper Oakley, both members of the Royal Canadian Dragoons.
Right now Andy is in Afghanistan he is a driver of a LAV 4 which is an armoured recognisance vehicle, much like a tank.
This photo was taken in May when Andy had just arrived in Kandahar. Colin's tour was finished and was getting ready to come home to his wife and kids. Just imagine his excitement finally leaving and getting to come home to his family while at the same time knowing that he leaves his baby brother behind in a war zone.
I have been asked how it feels to have brothers in Afghanistan. That is a hard question to answer because of course I would much rather have them home.
Then I think about what he is doing;
- As Lucas and I are at the library choosing bags full of books to borrow for free, I think of the children who do not have that freedom
- When Ava is sick and I take her to the doctor, I think of the mothers cuddling babies as bombs explode over their homes
So how do I feel? I feel proud! I am proud that my brothers are willing to risk their own lives so that others may one day have the freedoms we enjoy and often take for granted.
War is always such a political topic but regardless of whether you are for the war or not it does not change the fact that there are Canadian boys, men and women overseas fighting and dying, an that one of those young men is my brother.
He is always in my prayers, I pray for his safety but I also pray that he comes home unaffected by the horrible things he sees daily.
All of our soldiers need our prayers and are thankful to have the support.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Canada I Know

We took Ava and Lucas to the Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Legion in Waterdown this morning. I was proud to see so many young children there. It is so important to Remember all the soliders that fought so that our land can be so great.
We are very fortunate in Canada, there are many countries that either cannot remember not being at war or have the memories of tanks rolling down the streets fresh in their minds .
As a Mom I cannot imagine how it feels to know that you have no way to protect your children from the horrible things that are going on around them.
I am so thankful for the country I live in, the safety I feel, and the freedoms I have.
Thank you to all the brave Men and Women who have fought to make the Canada that I know.
Friday, October 29, 2010
No Worries
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
What Do You Want Me To Do
Who to Cheer For?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Lock Up Your Trains Lucas
At our visit to the nursery school Lucas told Shelly (his teacher) that he likes Thomas. So Shelly said she liked Thomas too, well then Shelly just went too far when she said Thomas is green. Well anyone who is anyone knows that Thomas is not green he is blue. Lucas could not let it go he had to correct her. "Shelly Thomas is not green he is blue. So is Gordon and Edward. Percy, Emily and Henry are green." That ought to put her in her place and show her who the bright one in the class is.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Lets go to the EX
Ava tries out the Go-Train for the first time, she didn't think it was a big deal
Lucas on the Go-Train for the first time, It IS a big deal Ava!
Driving a tractor is very serious stuff
The drool monster came with us
Look at all the rubber ducks
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Sleep, Poop and a Wedding
- Sleep all night
- Be happy in the car
- Play nicely on her own
Somehow I think my expectations are too high.
Ava eating prunes, apparently it is not prunes but the juice that is the laxative, oh well she liked them anyway
Lucas supporting his teams
Teaching Ava the joys of playing with Penguins
Mr and Mrs Oakley
A rare smile from Colin with Hayden, very cute