This blog is brought to you by the letter B
Other words he enjoys are bus which is really just B but he is always pointing at a bus so I figure he knows what he is talking about, Papa will have to take him for a ride when we are home. Ball is also a favourite. At eating time he loves to tell you he is wearing a bib and if there are any other bibs in his view he will point those out to you as well, he just likes to keep us informed.
So yesterday he took 4 steps and today he took 2 on his own.
That being said he has walked about a million steps today behind his car. He walks everywhere (always with the car)! Crawling is for suckers at the moment. Walking behind his car on his own is not good enough though he has to take his dog for a ride in his car as well. The dog is not very well secured so he often falls off.
Lucas always stops to pick him up and sit him back on top again, he makes a very good protector. He gets very annoyed when I tell him that the car is not allowed in the bathroom. "Lucas it doesn't matter how many times you say please (Which is really just putting his lips together and blowing at the moment) it is still not allowed in the bathroom". So at bathtime tonight when I would not let the car into the bathroom (if I had I am sure he would have insisted he have it in the bath with him) we had a major meltdown so I said "lets park your car in a special place".
Lucas thought that was a great idea and off he went to find the "perfect parking spot" once that was done bathtime could continue.
I finally had enough of the whining so Lucas has been on a very strict discipline program for a week now. He is like a different kid. He has learned to play on his own and actually pulls out new toys and has come up with his own ways of playing which was unheard of until now. He is gaining confidence everyday and has actually left my side when we are out with other children. A huge step in the right direction.
hey now shanno, i'm not the only matter that eats like that - blame Luke #1 for that...
Wow, Shannon, I took some time to study this Matter matter....and I love your precious accounting of all of these taxing matters in the life of your precious little Matter, who seems to be so busily engaged each day skilfully engineering, managing and shaping his world that would tax his parents tolerance and/or patience. Keep up the good work! You are making it so much fun.
Kind regards
Very clever comment, thanks for the compliments.
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