Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things are Changing Again


So exciting, a 2 to 3 month contract covering a maternity leave. It is exactly what he was looking for. Until things are a little more perminent.

We have put our house up for sale and if we can sell for a good price we are on the move back to Ontario. A big decision but it feels good to finally have a decsion made. The whole thing hinges on our house selling. The market is in a pretty bad place right now so hopefully all goes well, we will see.

Lucas has been busy crawling around the house. It has still been nice and warm, most days, but a few we have had to put long pants on him - he has a hard time crawling on the hard wood when he is wearing long pants. We have been having fun at the park as well. He loves the swing. He is now able to climb up and go down the slide, almost on his own.

We have had some good family days with Peter being off - we had lots of walks and some good beach times. Peter has been stressed about it though and is happy to be back to work. Lucas and I are slowly getting back to normal.

He has been a little funny with his naps the last few days, I think he might be going down to only 1 nap a day - oh no!!! I have really liked the last few months when he was sleeping 2 hours in emorning and 2 hours in the afternoon. Now may be down to 2 hours in the afternoon only. It means more time hanging out together which also means finding more things to fill our day and keep him excited. The biggest thing it means is that he (meaning Lucas) is going to have to learn to play without me for at least some part of the day. We will see how it goes.

He has been practising standing a lot, not on his own yet, but loves to stand up against the couch and everything else. One of his favourite things is running - Peter loves to hold his hands and let him run around the house. Lucas thinks it is great - he laughs and smiles so big it makes me laugh all the time.

"What have we got to do today Mom?"

If you look really carefully you will see my cell phone behind Lucas' head. This is how he talks on the phone. A big smile and sometimes he says 'hi'.

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