Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things are Changing Again


So exciting, a 2 to 3 month contract covering a maternity leave. It is exactly what he was looking for. Until things are a little more perminent.

We have put our house up for sale and if we can sell for a good price we are on the move back to Ontario. A big decision but it feels good to finally have a decsion made. The whole thing hinges on our house selling. The market is in a pretty bad place right now so hopefully all goes well, we will see.

Lucas has been busy crawling around the house. It has still been nice and warm, most days, but a few we have had to put long pants on him - he has a hard time crawling on the hard wood when he is wearing long pants. We have been having fun at the park as well. He loves the swing. He is now able to climb up and go down the slide, almost on his own.

We have had some good family days with Peter being off - we had lots of walks and some good beach times. Peter has been stressed about it though and is happy to be back to work. Lucas and I are slowly getting back to normal.

He has been a little funny with his naps the last few days, I think he might be going down to only 1 nap a day - oh no!!! I have really liked the last few months when he was sleeping 2 hours in emorning and 2 hours in the afternoon. Now may be down to 2 hours in the afternoon only. It means more time hanging out together which also means finding more things to fill our day and keep him excited. The biggest thing it means is that he (meaning Lucas) is going to have to learn to play without me for at least some part of the day. We will see how it goes.

He has been practising standing a lot, not on his own yet, but loves to stand up against the couch and everything else. One of his favourite things is running - Peter loves to hold his hands and let him run around the house. Lucas thinks it is great - he laughs and smiles so big it makes me laugh all the time.

"What have we got to do today Mom?"

If you look really carefully you will see my cell phone behind Lucas' head. This is how he talks on the phone. A big smile and sometimes he says 'hi'.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

And Still We Wait

Peter is still waiting for a positive response to his many job interviews. It seems it takes so long, wish he would just find something that suits. Monday could be the day though after 4 or 5 interviews for the same company Monday seems to be the day that a positive answer is going to come through. We pray that in fact it does happen

Week two of Lucas in day care, he sure knew where he was going this morning - not a happy camper! He didn't have as good a day but was happy to see us tonight and just loved his toys when he got home.

Unfortunately he is sick again, ear infection and a fungal infection on his bottom - poor little guy. Feeling well enough to poo in the bath though. Note the leg beside him, yes Peter was in the bath with him!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not Enough Time in the Week

The weather has been really hot for a while here and then all of a sudden it got rainy and cold so we took a trip to the mall to have some fun with toys that dont belong to us, lots of fun had by all

"Check out my wheels Mom!"

"Look out Baby behind the wheel!"

"Oh! and I want that, and that and that too Daddy!"

Learning how to play guitar

Lucas' version of a piacaso

"Why is Mommy all dressed up and wearing those things in her ears - something is going on here"
First day - on his way to day care, the smile will fade soon I am sure

Things have gotten much busier here, and I am only working one day a week. I can't imagine working full time, I would have to give up the BLOG entirely

Lucas has gotten a cold again, major runny nose - discusting

He has taken to walking now but he can't do it on his own so always wants someone to hold onto his hands to let him walk around the house. Gets a bit hard on the back after a while so we are trying to teach him to use his walker that way but yesterday he took a good tumble on it so he is a little aprehensive now. He will learn

We are trying to get him to wear his shades outside because the sun seems to bother his eyes but we can't get him to keep them on for very long.

Lucas and Daddy checking out the helicopter that was flying unusually low in the backyard. Wow isnt it cool. A couple of moments later out neighbour's yard was filled with police taking down some criminal, maybe it is a good idea to stay inside when the helicopter is out from now on.

Practising his walking skills and playing with some tinfoil under his feet in the jolly jumper - so much jumping this time, he just loved it although he could not figure out why when he tried to walk he didnt go anywhere.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

More Changes

Just calling in to say hello

Lots of changes in the last little while, I can't believe how fast he is learning things.

We went away to a bach this weekend, the last long weekend of the summer. The place we stayed at was two floors and Lucas took it upon himself to learn how to climb up - pretty good! Hasn't mastered coming down yet but he has got up down to a fine art.

He also started proper crawling over the grass. I thought he had made the switch but the leopard crawl still seems to be the fastest for him.

Not the greatest picture but Lucas was the big boy this weekend with James and Kiera there to show off all the things he has learned.
This week marks a new change for the little guy again. I have taken a job at the school Elissa works at for one day a week. That means that Lucas is going into Day Care. I am a little nervous about the whole things but I think it will be good for both of us. So I will be working Thursdays and Saturdays now. Should make for a busier week.

Peter is still looking, the economy is not helping the job search situation but things are starting to pick up now that holidays are officially over with school going back in. Hopefully this week we will hear some news!

We couldn't have asked for a better summer for Peter to be off though is has been nice being able to go to the beach with Lucas during the week when it is not so busy

Lucas helping Dad in the garden, He is a really good helper