Major scare the other day -I was sleeping so I really dont know how scary it was but it sounds scary. Peter was feeding Lucas breakfast and he started to choke. Peter being the calm cool guy he is slapped him on the back and out pops this thing.
No idea where it came from or what it is. I have kept it as I figure I will solve the mystery some day and I took a photo of it in case it came from the can of pears he was eating and I can sue and get lots of money. Problem being he was eating a mix of pear, banana and apple. All home made except the pears and all had been cooked, blended and frozen seperatley so no idea where the mystery object was inserted into his food. Will be extra careful not to put bits of plastic in the next batch of food I make though.
Speaking of making food. Today I made 'Knobbly Mince' great name I know. Basically ground beef , carrots, potatoes and beef stock all cooked up and ground up nice and small. Thankfully lucas slept for most of the process ususally he wakes up just after I start and then cooking with one hand becomes a bit more of an effort than when you get to use both of your hands. Today while I finished cooking I kept him occupied in his high chair with a piece of toast, most of the toast ended up on the floor in a pile of soggy mush but he was happy - or at least happy enough that I didnt have to hold him there was a lot of moaning involved.
This afternoon Lucas took another big nap and I got into the tub and cleaned the thing until is sparkled. It may be one of the worst jobs in our house, you can't clean it unless you get in it and the lighting is kind of bad so you end up spending 5 minutes scrubbing at a dark spot that ends up only being my shadow and not dirt at all - frustrating. Oh well I can now give Lucas a bath without feeling like a failure because my bath tub is more than a little dirty. Clean enough Lucas can lick away without a worry.
I have signed up for GymbaROO this term. Will have Lucas swinging from the rafters and jumping into the bucket of balls in no time. Really looking forward to having some more ideas of what to play with him and maybe (cross my fingers) tire him out a little to get some more big naps.
Looking forward to another good weekend of sunny weather - we hope. Elissa is having a birthday and few of us are going out for breakfast to celebrate, really looking forward to it I like going out to eat.
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