So the day started at 2:30 this morning with a feed for Lucas and then back to sleep until 7am with another feed. Then back to sleep but the little guy only slept until 8am. We have been reading about ways to settle him back to sleep so that he gets the full amount and one of the ways is to put him in his buggy and take him for a walk so at 8am I jumped out of bed and took him for a swift walk around the block, Peter tagged in and I got ready for the day, Lucas went to sleep until it was time to feed again - it
appears the walking around works and is pretty good for my figure as well. Same thing for the rest of the day. Put Lucas down to sleep and if he doesnt settle or wakes himself up and cant resettle take him for a walk. Needless to say Peter and I have been doing a lot of walking today.
At around 3:00 this afternoon Elissa and Sean came over, Lucas was having some happy time and then he needed to go down for his nap, again didnt settle so this time Aunt Elissa and Sean took him around the block for his walk - good timing for Peter and I as in typical Auckland weather it was a beautiful sunny day when they left and about 5 mins later complete down pour they got soaked!! Thanks Aunt Elissa - that is dedication to your nephew for sure
I also took some time to wash the diapers that we are planning to use and hung them out in t
he sun to dry, although they got caught in the rain so Peter and I were running around the crazy people trying to get them in - they are now in the garage still trying to dry (it has been a whole day event!). Before bed we tried one on Lucas to see if he could wear them yet. They reached to his armpits - I think we will wait a little while longer.
I got a nap this afternoon which was really nice - I havent been taking them the last little while but really felt like I needed it today. When Peter woke me up I could have sworn it had been 5 mins but it was a 1/2 hour, I was right out - must have been tired.
Yesterday we had Lucas in the Jolly Jumper for the first time and he loved it. We didnt take any pictures so today when he was in it we were prepared with the camera. He didnt like it as much today. He still did really well in it lots of jumping and holding up his head which should help with his flat spot because he isnt such a big fan of tummy time
Bought another soother today in hopes that he would take it to help calm him down - 4 for 4 on "no way mom"
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