Lucas and I had our first night alone this weekend. Peter went to Rotorua to go sledging and rafting so Saturday night Lucas and I stayed on our own. It went really well, he had a bath and a massage as normal and went down to sleep around 8pm. I went to sleep right after. He slept until 1am and then woke again at 5am so not too bad overall. It was nice to be able to feed him in the bedroom and not worry about waking up Peter. But it was nice to have Peter home again on Sunday night.
Lucas has been doing a really good job of sleeping getting at least an hour in between feeds - we are trying to stretch it out closer to two hours but he doesn't seem to be going for that. Since he has been sleeping so much he has developed a flat spot on the back of his head. Today we went to the doctor to check it out. We were also concerned that he doesn't really like to look to the right. The doctor seems to think his neck is fine but she has referred us to the hospital clinic to check out his flat head - it may just be a case of making sure to change his sleeping position each time but better safe than sorry.

Lucas had a really good tummy time today, he is getting better and liking being on his tummy better as well. He is starting to talk (make noises) more often and his cries are changing as well. We haven't figured out what the different cries mean yet but we are getting there.
He is 10 weeks old now, getting closer to that 3 month mark which is pretty exciting - I hear that is when lots of things change by then - especially the sleeping through the night thing. Although being a rule breaker as he has been all along I am not expecting it to happen too soon.
We continue to walk around the neighbourhood to keep Lucas asleep. Sometimes he will fall back asleep by just pushing the buggy back and forth in his room but most of the time that is not quite good enough for him.
Lucas got his passport this morning so we are now able to travel! It is a really cute picture, funny thing is it is valid for 5 years! I am sure he will change a little over the five years.

Peter has been making good use of his time off and has almost finished painting the house and has redone all the front gardens. He has planted lots of native trees to make it look a little more "kiwi" The house is looking pretty good. I think he has enjoyed being outside and doing some work with his hands. The weather has been beautiful so that has made it much easier as well to get outside. It has been really nice having him at h

ome I like being able to hand Lucas off to him for a little while and I can take a break. It is also nice to have him around the make dinner. I am really going to miss it when he goes back to work.

Hopefully those trees will grow and cover the ugly fence!