5am - Lucas yelling because he wet the bed, clean him and change his sheets, back to bed
5:30am- Ava awake
5:50am - Playing with Ava
6:30am - breakfast for Ava
6:50am - Lucas awake
7:00am - Lucas temper tantrum because I cooked his waffle or I didn't cook his waffle or I as going to give him the waffle he asked for - fantastic
7:15am - Lucas back in his room continuing his temper tantrum, complete with throwing around all his trains and tracks
7:25am - throwing stops and Mommy makes Lucas clean up his mess. More temper tantrums and yelling but he cleans up
7:30 am - Lucas eats his waffle, it tastes so good he wants another one - interesting
Someone has a case of the "Mondays"