We have made it through all our shake n bake and we are not sending for any more, fingers crossed we move home soon so Peter doesnt go through withdrawal.
Lucas has been spending lots of time outside, as much as possible with the weather, he loves to play on the deck, picking up leaves and throwing them over the edge.
Pretty cute little guy in his kiwifruit touque (Peter and I think it looks more like an acorn but whatever)
Showing off his Dr. Poopsie tougue from Lorna - can't believe it still fits him, the label says 3-6 months, I will never understand child clothing lables it really is just guess and go.
We spent some time in the mall the other day since it was raining and I melt in the rain so we had to go inside for a while. Lots of time in Kathmandu playing in the tents. He is trying them on for size for our move back to Canada.
This one is too small I think, maybe ok as a tent just for Lucas but Mom and Dad need to sleep in it too. Sorry Lucas I think we will wait until we are in Canada to buy one.
Lucas loves to colour and enjoys sitting at his table. He just learned to get on his chair all by himself,
great news for mommy means I don't have to drop everything all the time to sit him up on the chair. But bad news for Lucas has meant a few bumps on his head as he misjudges it often and falls off the other side, good thing he has a hard head.