Finally back in New Zealand after a fantastic trip to the states and Canada. Loved travelling around with Pat and Lori and it was awesome to see family for Christmas.

So many events that didn't make it on the BLOG over the past month, just not enough time to sit and think so here is a quick recap of all the things little Lucas has been up to.
- Flew from Auckland to L.A
- Drove from L.A through to Phoenix travelling through
- the Grand Canyon,
- Hoover Dam,
- Mojave National Preserve,
- Las Vegas
- Flew from Phoenix to Buffalo in a ridiculous snow storm
- Snowed in twice, once in Las Vegas and once in Buffalo
- Went to his first hockey game - not quite ready for all that noise
- Made it home to Ontario and met all his aunts and Uncles
- Spent lots of time with Nana and Papa and Opa and Grandma
- Learned how to say "MaMa"
- Crawled all over as many dogs as he could get his hands on
- Grew two top teeth
- Had his first Christmas
- Had his first ear and throat infection
- Wore a snow suit for the first time
- Had a toboggan ride
- Played in the snow
- Got baby sat by his Aunt Lise and Uncle Cory while his Aunt Elissa got married
- Met so many people he had to make a new friend Patrick the Monkey for security
- Got baptised
- Figured out how to get around by leopard crawling across the floor
- Flew back from Canada through Tahiti to Auckland
A lot to pack into 4 and a bit weeks for a little guy but it was a great trip.
Since we have been back he has been busy he can now leopard crawl from his room all the way into the living room which is a pretty big crawl for a little guy and he now pulls himself up on EVERYTHING!!!! He figures crawling is for suckers and just wants to walk.

He has learned to clap his hands and can find his toes if you ask him.
He seems to be happy to be back in his own room and has adjusted really well to the time change, only a couple of early morning (5am) wake ups and we were back on schedule with this morning even a sleep in until almost 7:30am.

The weather has been a bit rainy since we have been back but today is starting to look up with lots of sunshine. We are hoping to go to the salt water pools this afternoon if the weather holds.
We have made it to the beach and I was able to go to coffee group yesterday to see all the babies. Lucas was still a little shy and sat out on the side and watched most of the other kids playing. Soon enough I think he will get in on the action though.
Peter is busy looking for work and has had a few interviews with different recruiters. Hopefully something comes up soon.

We are back into the swing of things with a long weekend on the way this weekend. Will be nice to spend some beach time as long as the weather cooperates. So many tans around here I am feeling a little too ghostly with my gleaming white legs.
Hopefully back to a little bit of normality here and will start blogging regularly again. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years and that Santa was good to you. I know Lucas was spoilt rotten!